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姓名 陳秉宏(Ping-Hung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物物理研究所
論文名稱 對藍綠藻概日韻律之Kai蛋白震盪模型的非線性分析
(Nonlinear dynamical analysis of the Kai protein oscillation model in the circadian rhythm)
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摘要(中) 摘要
摘要(英) Abstract
Cyanobacteria is the simplest organism that perform the circadian rhythm. Kai protein family is highly related to this phenomenon. Researchers discovered that a in-vitro circadian rhythmic oscillator can be reconstituted with KaiA, KaiB, KaiC and ATP. That is, the phosphorylation state of KaiC performs 24 hours periodic oscillation. To unravel the molecular mechanism of this phenomenon may be helpful to understand the essential feature of life. In this thesis, we introduce some important research on this topic, and analyze a mathematical model describing the circadian rhythm from the viewpoint of nonlinear dynamics. We tuned the parameters, and observe the amplitude and period of the oscillation. We found, in some cases, the oscillation may emerge or disappear through a Hopf or infinite period bifurcation.
And the evidence in the eigenvalues of the systems also support that Hopf bifurcation indeed happen.
關鍵字(中) ★ 概日韻律
★ 藍綠藻
★ 非線性
★ 生物時鐘
關鍵字(英) ★ cyanobacteria
★ nonlinear
★ circadian rhythm
論文目次 1 Inroduction...........................................1
1-1 Background knowledge of cyanobacteria and circadian rhythm..................................................1
1-2 In-vitro experiment of cyanobacteria’s circadian rhythm..................................................3
1-3 Ordered phosphorylation model.......................6
1-3-1 Background knowledge of KaiC
1-3-2 Identification of four ordered phosphoforms............................................7
1-3-3 Construction of Rust’s ordered phophoformed model...................................................9
1-4 Background knowledge of nonlinear dynamic...........10
1-4-1 What is Nonlinear?..............................................11
1-4-2 Graphical analysis.............................11
1-4-3 Bifurcation Analysis...........................14
2 Simulation Method.....................................26
2-1 Preliminary check for the model and program.........27
2-2 The measurement of amplitude and period of phosphorylation oscillation.............................28
2-3 Scaling law.........................................28
2-4 Eigenvalues of the system...........................28
3 Results...............................................31
3-1 Preliminary check for the model and program.........31
3-2 The measurement of amplitude and period of phosphorylation oscillation.............................34
3-3 Scaling law.........................................45
3-4 Eigenvalues of the system...........................47
4 Conclusion and outlook................................48
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指導教授 黎璧賢(Pik-yin Lai) 審核日期 2011-6-22
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