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姓名 黃庭緯(Ting-Wei Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 多原色加乘色彩系統之設計方法
(Methods for designing multi-primary additive color system)
★ 奈米電漿子感測技術於生物分子之功能分析★ 表面結構擴散片之設計、製作與應用
★ 嵌入式繼光鏡顯微超頻譜影像系統應用在口腔癌切片及活體之設計及研究★ 結合柱狀透鏡陣列之非成像車頭燈光型設計
★ 新型液晶電視與背光模組的探討分析★ CCD 量測儀器之研究與探討
★ 鈦酸鋇晶體非均向性自繞射之研究及其在光資訊處理之應用★ 多光束繞射光學元件應用在DVD光學讀取頭之設計
★ 高位移敏感度之全像多工光學儲存之研究★ 利用亂相編碼與體積全像之全光學式光纖感測系統
★ 體積光柵應用於微物3D掃描之研究★ 具有偏極及光強分佈之孔徑的繞射極限的研究
★ 三維亂相編碼之體積全像及其應用★ 透鏡像差的量測與MTF的驗證
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摘要(中) 近來顯示器發展大尺寸螢幕、追求慧型手機般之輕薄短小外,也希望忠實呈現原始之色彩,因此色彩能否忠實呈現是顯示器品質之重大評價指標,此外多原色顯示亦是當前發展之驅勢,其可提供大於三原色顯示系統之色域。此論文以混色原理為基礎,提出適用於多原色加色系統之色域邊界理論, 其藉由在CIExyY色彩空間中之色域邊界頂點決定出色域邊界,因此在瞭解色域邊界上邊緣點之組成方式,即可直接獲得色域邊界上之邊緣點;而此理論僅需各原色和外來光之色座標及亮度,即可建立一個在外來光情況下之均勻色域邊界,此處之外來光包含裝置設備之漏光與環境光,而色域邊界之實驗與模擬的平均色差在CIELAB色彩空間中大約為1;此研究更進一步提出一種應用於顯示器、照明方面之亮度效能最佳化白點轉換的方法,以及一種白點轉換在相關色溫線上之概念以獲得更多亮度。
摘要(英) Recent trend in displays includes increasing size, light weight, super thin, and small smart-phone applications. Additional to above features, accurate color reproduction is also highly desired. In fact, the ability for truthful color reproduction is a major measure to evaluate the quality of displays. More recently, multi-primary color (MPC) displays is becoming a development trend. This provides a larger color gamut than the three primary displays. The present thesis proposes a general color gamut boundary (CGB) theory of an additive multi-primary color system based on color mixing theory. This approach can determine the CGB by its apexes in CIExyY space. After determining the xyY coordinates of the three or multiple primaries, the extremes of CGB can be automatically obtained. This study also proposes methods to construct a uniform CGB under extraneous light conditions, including device leakage light and ambient light. These methods of constructing the CGB only require the chromaticity coordinates and brightness of the primaries and extraneous light. In this study, the average color difference between CGB measurement and simulation in CIELAB is approximately 1 unit, which is considered to be highly satisfactory. This study also proposes a transform of white point while keeping the optimal brightness efficiency for both display and lighting applications. Finally, a concept to determine the optimal brightness of white point conversion on the isotemperature line was developed.
In summary, the proposed approach can not only be used as a standard method for defining CGB, but also be applied into relevant color research such as display and LED lighting design. Practical applications of this approach include the design of MPC displays in color volume, white point, etc, or similarly for MPC lighting. It also could have future impact on the development of color distribution index, detection of cross-talk characteristics of display, or extending the usage of color appearance models.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多原色
★ 照明
★ 色域邊界
★ 色彩
★ 顯示器
關鍵字(英) ★ multi-primary color
★ lighting
★ color gamut boundary
★ Color
★ display
論文目次 摘要....................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ............................................................................................................... ii
Acknowments..................................................................................................... iii
Abbreviation ...................................................................................................... iv
Content ................................................................................................................ v
List of Figures ................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables.................................................................................................... xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction...................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Thesis aim and tasks.................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Thesis Structure ......................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Summary of deliverables .......................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 Color Science .................................................................................... 6
2.1 Color and Retina........................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Colorimetry and Photometry ................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 CIE Standard Photometric Observers ......................................................... 9
2.2.2 Tri-stimulus Values and Chromaticity Coordinates.................................. 11
2.2.3 Color mixing.................................................................................................. 15
2.3 Uniform Color Space............................................................................................... 17
2.4 Color Temperature (CT) and Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)................ 21
2.5 Color mapping ......................................................................................................... 24
2.6 Multi-primary Color Devices ................................................................................. 31
2.7 Summary .................................................................................................................. 33
Chapter 3 Color Gamut Boundary (CGB) of Independent Primary
Colors................................................................................................................. 35
3.1 CGB of Tri-primary Colors .................................................................................... 35
3.2 CGB of Multi-Primary Colors with Independent Primary Colors..................... 37
3.3 Simulation and experiment of Four-primary color displays ............................... 45
3.4 Summary .................................................................................................................. 47
Chapter 4 Color Gamut Boundary (CGB) of Ddependent Primary Colors48
4.1 CGB of Multi-Primary Colors with One dependent Primary Color.................. 48
4.2 CGB of Multi-Primary Colors with Dependent Primary Colors........................ 53
4.3 Experiments of CGB with One Dependent Primary Color................................. 55
4.4 Summary .................................................................................................................. 59
Chapter 5 A Method of Directly Obtain the Extemes of a MPC Device..... 60
5.1 Traditional Approach for Extremes of Tri-primary Color Device ......................60
5.2 Approach for Extremes of Tri-primary Color Device ..........................................61
5.3 Approach for Extremes of Four-primary Color Device and N-primary Color
Device ......................................................................................................................64
5.4 Simulations and Experiments .................................................................................70
5.5 Summary...................................................................................................................76
Chapter 6 Methods of Quickly Construct CGB under Extraneous Light
Conditions ......................................................................................................... 77
6.1 Quickly Constructing CGB in CIELAB Space .....................................................77
6.2 Simulations and Experiments .................................................................................80
6.2.1 Tri-primary color display with linear sampling at color intensity ...........80
6.2.2 Four-primary color display with linear sampling at color intensity ........82
6.3 Effect of Leakage Backlight Light and Ambient Light ........................................84
6.4 Algorithm Modification for Extraneous Light Effect...........................................85
6.5 Summary...................................................................................................................91
Chapter 7 Applications for White Point Conversion of MPC...................... 92
7.1 CT Conversion of Multi-primary device ...............................................................92
7.2 CCT Conversion of Tri-primary device.................................................................95
7.3 CCT Conversion of Multi-primary device ..........................................................102
7.4 Summary.................................................................................................................105
Chapter 8 Conclusions ................................................................................... 106
8.1 Remarks..................................................................................................................106
8.1.1 The CGB of an additive MPC system .......................................................106
8.1.2 Obtaining the extremes of CGB directly...................................................107
8.1.3 CGB construction under extraneous light conditions .............................108
8.1.4 White point conversion of MPCs...............................................................108
8.2 Future work............................................................................................................109
References ........................................................................................................111
Appendix ......................................................................................................... 117
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指導教授 孫慶成、歐陽盟
(Ching - Cherng Sun、Mang Ou-Yanf)
審核日期 2011-11-16
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