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陳尚宏(Shang-hung Chen)
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系統生物與生物資訊研究所 |
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利用階層式叢集及不同分類方法分析人類正常組織特異性基因 (Using hierarchical clustering and different classification methods to analyze human normal tissue specific genes)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
With more and more vigorous development of the field of bioinformatics, microarray chips have been widely used, our study is the use of microarray chips to do the following analysis, the data source is based on BioGPS, and it provides normalized processing chip data, these chips data have also been uploaded to the GEO belongs to NCBI, this database has a variety of chip experimental data, our goal is to identify human normal tissue specific genes, when we identify these genes, we can know each tissue or cell type which genes are mainly express, then we want to deeply understand the corresponding relationship between these human normal tissues, so we take these specific genes based on different conditions and next use hierarchical clustering analysis method to do cluster, and then we use several different methods of classification and try to explain these grouping results.
From our study, we using two different screening methods of tissue-specific genes; the first screening method to identify genes with large expression levels variation between different tissues and cell types, the second screening method we take a reference to the existing paper, identify each tissue and cell type their specific high expression genes, ,with more conditions restriction, it also has to meet the genes between different tissues and cell types highest expression level division the second high expression level ratio of greater than two times, from the results, we find the first screening method of tissue-specific genes hierarchical clustering would be more consistent in the four classification of developmental germinal layer concept,physiology, five zangs and six fus, and the twelve main meridians; after determination of the method, we further explore the use of tissue specific genes expression levels hierarchical clustering results are also more ideal than use of tissue specific genes on the chromosome’s distributions; at last, we compare Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Chinese medicine and Western medicine points of view to explain the hierarchical clustering results is nck and neck.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 數種不同的分類方式 ★ 階層式叢集分析法 ★ 人類正常組織特異性基因 ★ 微陣列晶片 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ several different methods of classification ★ hierarchical clustering ★ human normal tissue specific genes ★ microarray chip |
論文目次 |
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 基因表現量差異 1
1-2 人類正常組織特異性基因 1
1-3 DNA微陣列晶片 2
1-4 研究目標 2
第二章 研究方法 3
2-1 微陣列晶片資料 3
2-2 篩選組織特異性基因 4
2-3 特異性基因在染色體上的分布 7
2-4 階層式叢集分析法(Hierarchical cluster analysis) 8
2-5 數種不同的分類方式 8
第三章 結果 9
一 、 胚層分類 9
二 、 生理學分類 16
三 、 五臟六腑分類 23
四 、 十二經絡分類 30
第四章 討論 37
第五章 結論 39
第六章 參考文獻 40
第七章 附錄 41
參考文獻 |
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20. VeryGene. http://www.verygene.com/index.php.
指導教授 |
王孫崇(Sun-chong Wang)
審核日期 |
2011-12-13 |
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