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姓名 陳佳瑜(Chia-yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 透過行動輔具於熟悉情境中進行小學初級英語寫作之研究
(Facilitating EFL writing of Elementary School Students in Familiar Situated Contexts with Mobile Devices)
★ 同步表演機器人之建構與成效評估★ 探討國小學童使用電子書多媒體註記系統結合註記分享機制對其學習行為與時間之影響
★ 先備知識對註記式多媒體電子書的影響研究:從個別環境到分享環境★ Facilitating EFL speaking and writing with peer-tutoring and storytelling strategies in authentic learning context
★ An investigation into CKEL-supported EFL learning with TPR to reveal the importance of pronunciation and interactive sentence making★ Investigation of Facilitating Physics Learning using Ubiquitous-Physics APP with Learning Map and Discussion Board in Authentic Contexts
★ 智慧互動SmartVpen在真實情境對於英文學習之影響★ 利用合作虛擬化的網絡設計輔助計算機網路學習
★ 探討擴展合作式多媒體認知理論和其對EFL聽力與口語能力之影響 - 結合動覺辨識和學習者設計內容之猜謎遊戲★ 在真實情境中利用智慧機制提升國小學生之外語口說及對話能力之評估
★ 探討在真實情境下教師回饋對學習認知與學習持續性之影響★ 註釋、對話代理和協作概念圖支持大學生議論文寫作和後設認知的培養
★ Developing and Validating the Questionnaire and Its Model for Sustainable and Scalable Authentic Contextual Learning Supported by Mobile Apps★ 探討個人化、情境化及社會化的智慧機制 輔助真實情境國小幾何學習與其對學習成效之影響
★ Investigation of smart mechanisms for authentic contextual learning with sensor and recognition technologies★ 探討智慧回饋如何影響學習時眼動和觸控 操作的表現-以 Covid-19 快篩模擬為例
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摘要(中) 本研究提出以熟悉情境為基礎,輔助小學生進行寫作之「情境英文寫作學習系統」。透過如校園操場、教室以及午餐食物等學生熟悉之日常情境搭配手持設備中所提供之英語學習鷹架(任務、字彙、片語、句型)進行初級英文寫作學習活動。本研究包括59位小學六年級學生,其中28位為實驗組,31位為控制組。實驗組學習者攜帶手持裝置於熟悉情境中,藉由環境刺激針對特定物體進行英文寫作以及評論活動。實驗結果顯示實驗組與控制組間於學習成效有顯著差異,此外,實驗組同學認為所設計之活動相當有趣且能沉浸其中。根據訪談結果亦顯示於熟悉情境中搭配系統提供之學習鷹架進行學習活動的確可啟發學習者,使學習者寫出豐富的句型及更詳細的描述。
摘要(英) This research proposed a familiar situated writing system and helped elementary school students conduct the English writing in familiar situations such as campus playground, classroom facilities and food at lunch with English scaffoldings provided by mobile devices. The study recruited 59 sixth-grade students of EFL elementary school. One class of 28 students was employed as the experiment group and the other class of 31 students was employed as control group. The students of experiment group carry mobile devices to conduct EFL writing in specific and familiar subject environments and stimulated by real context; our proposed system also provided English scaffolding like vocabularies, phrases and sentence patterns for writing tasks. After experiment, the results showed that there is significant difference in learning achievement between two groups. Furthermore, students in the experimental group perceived the designed activities were playful and they were interested in situated learning. In the interview, we also found the activities in familiar context inspired the students to make more sentences and describe the target object clearly and thoroughly with the help of our proposed English scaffoldings.
關鍵字(中) ★ EFL寫作
★ 熟悉情境
★ 行動學習
★ 情境學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Situated learning
★ EFL writing
★ Familiar context
★ Mobile learnin
論文目次 中文摘要 ....................................................................................................................................i
目錄 ......................................................................................................................................iii
圖目 錄 ...................................................................................................................................v
表目 錄 ..................................................................................................................................vi
第1章 緒論...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的....................................................................................................................3
1.3 研究限制....................................................................................................................3
第2章 文獻探討........................................................................................................................5
2.1 初級英文寫作............................................................................................................5
2.2 情境語言學習.......................................................................................................... 11
2.3 同儕回饋應用於語言學習......................................................................................17
2.4 科技接受模式..........................................................................................................19
第3章 研究方法......................................................................................................................21
3.1 研究架構..................................................................................................................21
3.2 研究假設..................................................................................................................24
3.3 研究步驟..................................................................................................................25
3.4 研究對象與時間......................................................................................................26
3.5 活動設計..................................................................................................................28
3.6 研究工具..................................................................................................................30
3.7 資料蒐集..................................................................................................................40
3.8 資料處理..................................................................................................................41
3.9 評分準則..................................................................................................................42
第4章 結果分析與討論..........................................................................................................45
4.1 問卷分析..................................................................................................................45
4.1.1 樣本基本資料描述......................................................................................45
4.1.2 各變項資料之統計結果..............................................................................45
4.1.3 學習系統及活動認知對於使用意圖之分析..............................................54
4.2 實驗組與控制組學習成效之分析..........................................................................57
4.3 系統使用意圖對於實際使用量及寫作表現之分析..............................................60
4.4 實際使用量對於學習成效之分析..........................................................................62
4.4.1 情境初級寫作活動實際使用量對於學習成效之分析..............................62
4.4.2 情境評論活動實際使用量對於學習成效之分析......................................63
4.4.3 鷹架提示實際使用量對於學習成效之分析..............................................66
4.4.4 實際使用量對於學習成效之預測能力......................................................67
4.5 寫作表現對於學習成效之分析..............................................................................67
第5章 結果與建議..................................................................................................................70
5.1 研究結果..................................................................................................................70
5.2 教育意涵..................................................................................................................73
5.3 未來工作與建議......................................................................................................74
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指導教授 黃武元(Wu-yuin Hwang) 審核日期 2011-6-30
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