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姓名 陳德仁(Te-Jen Chen) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系在職專班 論文名稱 應用於筆記型電腦數位電視單極天線之研製
(The Study of Digital Video Broadcasting Monopole Antenna for Notebook Computer Applications)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 摘要
本篇論文主要目的為設計內建於筆記型電腦的寬頻無線數位影音地面廣播系統( Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial: DVB-T ) 接收天線。天線饋入方式則採用50 W 電纜饋入的形式,天線中央為開路耦合結構,使天線得以共振出較低頻率。天線末端則加入晶片電阻下地來達到寬頻的阻抗匹配。設計概念採用FR4基板加以實現,並進行驗證。天線設計採用HFSS 電磁模擬軟體將主輻射體、耦合部分先做初步模擬分析,再針對各部位如天線尺寸、頻率與晶片電阻等參數做細部的調整,並對天線特性如反射損失與輻射場型加以分析與討論。論文所提出的小型化寬頻無線數位影音廣播系統接收天線符合國際無線數位電視所規範的頻寬從470 MHz 至 860 MHz。天線頻寬可達58.6%以上 ,尺寸為120 × 11 × 1.2 mm3。 E-plane輻射場型如同傳統單極天線呈8字場型,而H-plane為全方向性。
摘要(英) Abstract
The main topic of this thesis is to design an antenna for compact wireless broadband digital video broadcasting system (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial, DVB-T). The antenna is fed by probe. A coupling structure in the center of the antenna is designed to generate low band and a chip resistor is added at the end of the antenna to increase bandwidth. The proposed antenna was fabricated on and FR4 substrate. The design parameters, such as the dimension of antenna (width and length) and chip resistor, were extensively analyzed by adjusting at different frequency bands (low-band, middle-band and high band). The return loss and radiation pattern were simulated and measured to verify the design concept. The compact wireless broadband digital video broadcasting system mentioned in the thesis conform with international norms of digital television bandwidth of 470 MHz to 860 MHz; the antenna gain can meet the requirement in real applications. The radiation pattern in E-plane exhibits an eight figure just as conventional monopole antenna. The radiation in H-plane shows an omni-directional pattern.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位電視
★ 單極天線
★ 耦合結構關鍵字(英) ★ DTV
★ Monopole Antenna
★ A coupling structure論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………1
1.1 研究動機……………………………………………………1
1.2 論文架構……………………………………………………1
第二章 無線數位影音地面廣播系統簡介……………………2
2.1 無線數位影音地面廣播系統原理…………………………2
2.2 無線數位影音地面廣播系統之規格………………………4
第三章 天線基本理論…………………………………………5
3.1 天線基本原理與基本參數介紹……………………………5
3.2 偶極與單極天線基本原理………………………………10
第四章 UHF印刷式單極天線設計……………………………13
4.1 天線設計流程……………………………………………13
4.2 基板板材規格表…………………………………………15
4.3 天線結構選擇與天線各部位尺寸特性分析……………16
4.3.1 初期單極天線設計……………………………………17
4.3.3 加入晶片電阻之影響…………………………………26
4.3.4 接地面對單極天線的影響……………………………32
4.4 量測儀器與設備…………………………………………53
4.5 本章結論…………………………………………………54
第五章 電視節目接收實測…………………………………55
5.1 實測環境與設備…………………………………………55
第六章 總結…………………………………………………57
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指導教授 邱煥凱(Hwann-Kaeo Chiou) 審核日期 2011-7-26 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare