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姓名 張瑞珠(Jui-chu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 陷入困境之ERP導入專案的管理
(Managing Troubled Projects of ERP Implementation)
★ 台灣與大陸在ERP專案管理、專案成員向心力與離心力的不同之處★ ERP專案成員離心力與向心力對代理問題之影響
★ 事業策略、人力資源管理與組織績效之實證研究★ 商用飛機維修成本控制之研究-以某國籍航空公司為例
★ ERP系統更換關鍵成功因素研究-以Oracle系統導入為例★ 中小企業自行開發ERP 系統關鍵成功因素研究- 以高科技產業為例
★ 文化創意產業產品策略選擇之影響因素-以國片為例★ 專案管理風險對ERP專案成功之影響
★ 品質機能展開與多準則決策於設備開發應用★ ERP導入品質因素對IFRS轉換專案之影響
★ ERP投資金額對服務品質及導入後IT治理目標之分析★ ERP 導入問題對專案的影響
★ IFRS轉換對員工退休金計畫影響★ IFRS轉換對企業績效評估的影響
★ IFRS轉換問題對IFRS效益的影響★ ERP環境下企業集團自行編製合併報表能力對XBRL資訊透明度之研究
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摘要(中) 21世紀是一個全球化的年代,全球經濟環境的快速變遷及台灣產業的外移,企業面臨極大的挑戰如快速成長、縮短產品的生命週期、快速回應多樣的客製化客戶需求以及日益複雜的供應鏈,快速、彈性及同步已經成為影響企業的生存與發展的重要因素。除了大型及國際型企業外,中、小型企業也認知到他們必須接受更多的資訊科技例如企業資源規劃系統(ERP)、供應鏈管理(SCM)、產品研發管理(PLM)、客戶關係管理(CRM)及其他套裝軟體來提升企業的競爭力與優勢。
摘要(英) The 21st century is an era of globalization. With the rapid changes of the global economic environment and the outward shifting of Taiwan’s industry, the challenges that enterprises have to face have grown enormously, such as the shorter life cycle of products, the request for quick response to various customization orders, and the ever-increasing complexity of the supply chain relationship. Speed, flexibility and synchronization have all become important factors that affect enterprises’ viability and development. Besides large and international companies, some of the small and medium-sized enterprises are also aware that they need to promote their competitiveness by adopting some information technology, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and other types of packaged software to enhance the production advantage.
ERP system may cost millions of dollars to buy, take much time to implement, and often require disruptive organizational changes. The implementation projects were terminated before completion, and failed to achieve their business objectives even a year after implementation. As ERP implementations are difficult, approximately 90 percent of them are late or over budget. It may become a troubled project at any stage during the life cycle of the project. We must detect and correct the causes of a project’s problems before it fails. This study investigated troubled ERP implementation projects, sought the root causes of the troubled projects and determined what actions could be taken to turn around the troubled projects. We used case study methodology. The purpose of this paper was to help determine whether a project is troubled and summarize possible management methods for saving a project while it is still possible or cancelling it with minimal negative impact.
關鍵字(中) ★ 專案管理
★ 失敗專案
★ 困境的專案
★ ERP導入
★ 企業資源規劃系統
★ 失敗
★ 成功
★ 個案研討
關鍵字(英) ★ Enterprise Resource Planning systems
★ ERP implem
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Research Methodology 5
Chapter 3 Case studies 18
3.1 Company A (vehicle manufacturer) 18
3.2 Company B (semiconductor manufacturer) 18
3.3 Company C (information and communication technology) 19
3.4 Company D (book store) 20
3.5 Company E (electronics) 21
Chapter 4 Research finding 28
4.1 The most common root causes of troubled projects 28
4.2 Negative impact on troubled projects 30
4.3 Unclear scope 31
4.4 Lack of senior management and business ownership support and involvement 31
4.5 Poor effort estimation 32
4.6 Team work issues 32
4.7 Lack of communication 33
4.8 Unrealistic time, budget and/or scope 33
4.9 Increased workload 34
4.10 Poor quality proposals and/ or contracts 34
4.11 Lack of risk management 34
Chapter 5 Discussions 35
5.1 Actions to turn troubled projects around 35
5.2 Top management support and commitment 37
5.3 Management expectations 37
5.4 Project management 38
5.5 Scope management 39
5.6 Time management 40
5.7 Cost management 40
5.8 Human resource management 41
5.9 Positive risk management 43
5.10 Communication management 44
5.11 Quality management 44
Chapter 6 Conclusions 48
References 50
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指導教授 蔡文賢(Wen-hsien Tsai) 審核日期 2011-7-18
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