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覃業湘(Yeh-shing Chin)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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責任型投資原則的應用:以永續性指數為例 (The application of the principle for responsible investment: to take Sustainable index for an example.)
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摘要(中) |
面對氣候變遷的議題,金融投資業並無明顯做為。在責任投資原則之推出後,成為全球首度將環境、社會、公司治理(environmental,socal,and corporate governance,簡稱ESG)思維擴及投資機構全體之國際性原則。雖然責任投資原則本質係開放性、自願性參與,但已成為國際金融界之主流,根據經驗,自願性國際性綱領或原則,往往會透過同儕檢視之作法,使該綱領或原則本質具有隱性拘束力之功能,可預期未來在國際金融同業良性競爭與壓力下,此責任投資原則將約束整體金融投資業界朝環境、社會、公司治理(environmental,socal,and corporate governance,簡稱ESG)方向發展。
摘要(英) |
To meet the demands of general investors and institute investors regarding a globalization, rationalization, consistency, flexibility, investable index, being performance-comparison tool, and they need a independent and reliable index, to serve as a basis to pursue sustainable development with respect to financial business and funds application. Besides, this study also analyzes how the global exchange-commissions realize the promotion of continuous index.
In the face of global climate-change, financial investors do not have distinct actions. After the principle for responsible investment was generated, for the first time it became an international rule regarding ESG. ( Environmental, social, and corporate governance, called ESG. ) Though such principle is open, volunteer, it has become the main stream of global financing. According to experience, volunteer global rule or principle is normally examined by the same business runners, to enhance the confinement and restriction on its nature. It is predictable that such principle will develop towards ESG’s ( Environmental, social, and corporate governance, called ESG. ) trend under the positive competition of the same industry.
This study aims to remind Taiwanese entrepreneurs to pay attention to sustainable development of business; also it will call the investors to regard the obligation investment as top priority. Under the combined efforts of government, enterprise and investor, it seeks to realize the concept of obligation investment, to prevent our global environment from further destroying, which may lead to the formidable risks on human living and development opportunity.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 社會型責任投資 ★ 聯合國責任型投資原則 ★ 永續性指數 ★ ESG ★ DJSI |
關鍵字(英) |
★ UN’s Principle for Responsible Investment ★ Sustainable index ★ DJSI ★ ESG ★ FTSE 4 Good. ★ Social Responsibility Investment |
論文目次 |
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
二、 為何要編製永續性指數 3
2-1 傳統編製指數方法 3
2-2 傳統投資組合理論 7
2-3 永續性指數重要性 10
2-4 全球各交易所如何推廣永續性指數 12
三、 聯合國責任型投資原則簡介 17
3-1 責任型投資原則發展背景 17
3-2 責任型投資原則重要內容 20
3-3 責任型投資原則分析 24
四、 一般永續性指數簡介 28
4-1 社會責任型投資發展概況 28
4-2 社會責任型投資指數 31
4-3 案例說明-以DJSI永續性指數為例 37
五、 結論與政策建議 48
5-1 結論 48
5-2 政策建議 49
參考文獻 52
參考文獻 |
1.C. Hope & Stephen J. Fowler, “A Critical Review of Sustainable Business Indices and their Impact”,Journal of Business Ethics,2007。
2.“Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific IndexGuide Book”,2010。
3.“Dow Jones Sustainability Europe IndexGuide Book”,2010。
4.“ Dow Jones Sustainability Korea IndexGuide Book”,2010。
5.“Dow Jones Sustainability North America IndexGuide Book”,2010。
6.“Dow Jones Indexes and SAM Group Launch Dow Jones Islamic Sustainability Index”,2010。
7.Mohan Munasinghe,Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development,Washington,DC:World Bank,1993。
8.“Responsible Research Sustainable Stock Exchanges”,2010。
7.SAM Group網站,http://www.sam-group.com。
8.FTSE 4 Good Index Series,http://www.ftse.com。
指導教授 |
邱慈觀(Tzu-Kuan Chiu)
審核日期 |
2011-7-19 |
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