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姓名 曾友宣(Yu-Hsuan Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 環境管制、研發與生產力:台灣製造業實證研究
(Environmental Regulations, Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industries)
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摘要(中) 本論文主要目的為檢視政府對於環境的管制是否誘發台灣製造業廠商創新行為的改變,以及是否對於產業生產力表現產生進一步的影響。本文採用234個製造業四欄位產業1997年至2003年間(2001年除外)的追蹤資料為研究對象,並利用固定效果模型(Fixed Effect Model) 進行估計。
其次,我們採用第一階段估計,計算環境管制誘發的研發支出與其他非環境管制誘發的研發支出,進行第二階段對總要素生產力影響之估計。結果顯示上述兩分項研發支出以及總研發支出對總要素生產力均具有正向顯著的影響效果,此結果證實環境管制的研發效果,支持波特假說(Porter Hypothesis)中環境管制可能帶來經濟表現與環境表現的雙贏局面。
摘要(英) This thesis aims to investigate whether stricter environmental regulations may induce more innovation in terms of R&D and its further potential influence on productivity.
Utilizing a panel dataset of 234 Taiwan’s manufacturing industries over the 1997-2003 period (excluding 2001) and employing the fixed effect of panel data model to implement empirical estimations, evidence shows a significantly positive relationship between pollution abatement fee expenditures and R&D expenditures, while the influence of pollution abatement capital expenditures on R&D expenditures is positive but not significant.
Calculating the induced R&D from the first stage estimation, this thesis next examines the potential influences of both environmental regulation induced and non-environmental regulation induced R&D expenditures on productivity. Empirical results show that environmental regulation induced R&D has a significantly positive impact on industry total factor productivity (TFP). This finding supports the Porter hypothesis, suggesting the possibility of the “win-win” outcome brought about by more stringent environmental regulations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 環境管制
★ 汙染防制支出
★ 環境友善創新
★ 誘發創新
★ 研發
★ 總要素生產力
★ 波特假說
關鍵字(英) ★ Porter hypothesis
★ Induced innovation
★ R&
★ D
★ Total factor productivity
★ Pollution abatement expenditures
★ Environmental regulations
★ Environmentally-friendly innovation
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2. Research Objectives 2
Chapter 2. The Development of Environmentally Friendly Technologies in Taiwan 5
Chapter 3. Literature Review 13
3.1. Environmental Induced Innovation 13
3.2. Effect of Environmental Regulations on Innovation Activities 14
3.2.1. Using Patent as Innovation Proxy 14
3.2.2. Using R&D Spending as Innovation Proxy 17
3.3. Impact of Environmental Regulations on Productivity 21
Chapter 4. Model and Data 24
4.1. Effect of Environmental Regulations on R&D 24
4.2. Impact of Environmentally Induced R&D on TFP 25
4.3. Measurement of TFP 26
4.4. Data 28
Chapter 5. Empirical Results 32
5.1. Effect of Environmental Regulations on R&D 32
5.2. Impact of Environmentally Induced R&D on TFP 36
Chapter 6. Conclusions 40
6.1. Concluding Remarks 40
6.2. Policy Implications and Research Limitation 41
References 43
Appendix 46
參考文獻 References
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指導教授 楊志海(Chih-Hai Yang) 審核日期 2011-6-16
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