摘要(英) |
These years, multinational hotel industry develops very quickly, especially the emerging areas, such as mainland China, South East Asia countries. Global hotel industry contributed more than 10% on overall GDP; still, expanding with smooth.
Based on consumer’s perspectives, we try to find out rules to improve consumers’ satisfaction of international chain hotels, generate or maintain competitive advantages. First of all, the main target consumers of Holiday Inn East Taipei are tourists from group tours. Their main requests of hotels from those consumers are basic living conditions, including the comfort of bed and pillow, the cleanness, the food, etc. We found that the performance of Holiday Inn East Taipei are not as good as we expected, and worse than the competitor- Fullon Hotel Shenkeng on 8 items. Therefore, we suggested some solutions on the disadvantages and also came out with several extra strategies to promote its competitive advantage, for example, developing more commercial guests. We hope to help Holiday Inn East Taipei to allocate its own resources more effectively.
參考文獻 |
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