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姓名 潘盈安(Ying-an Pan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
(Inflation Forecasting in Japan: Are Disaggregated CPI Components Informative?)
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摘要(中) 本文利用Stock與Watson所提出的動態因子分析法預測日本的通貨膨脹,透過動態因子分析法從數量龐大的變數中萃取出少數幾個因子 (Factor) 並且將其作為預測迴歸的解釋變數,用以建構預測。本文的主要研究目的是想探討是否CPI的細項資料在估計因子時扮演著相當重要的角色,因此透過這些因子作通膨的預測時,能有效的提升預測表現,更準確的預測通貨膨脹率。本文使用46個總體變數及103個CPI的細項資料,用以估計因子。資料期間的選擇為1986年至2009年。
摘要(英) This study uses dynamic factor analysis proposed by Stock and Watson (2002a) to forecast inflation in Japan. This method summarizes large amounts of economic information by a few estimated factors, and uses them as predictors to construct the forecasts. The objective is to investigate whether CPI subcomponents play an important role in estimating factors to obtain better predictors to improve forecasting performance. The dataset composed of 46 macroeconomic series and 103 CPI subcomponents from 1986 to 2009.
The results indicate that the subcomponent-included factor model outperforms the benchmark autoregressive model at the one, two, and four quarter ahead horizons and the factor model, which does not include the disaggregated CPI components, resulting in a deterioration of forecasting performance at the one, two, and four quarter ahead horizons. The results support the argument that using information from CPI subcomponents contributes to substantial improvements in accurate inflation forecasting.
關鍵字(中) ★ 因子模型
★ 預測通貨膨脹
★ 主要成分分析
★ CPI細項
關鍵字(英) ★ Factor Model
★ Inflation Forecasting
★ Principal Components
★ CPI Subcomponents
★ Disaggregate Information
論文目次 Contents
1. Introduction... 1
2. Literature Review... 3
2.1 A Brief Discussion of Forecasting Models...3
2.2 Literatures Relevant to Disaggregate Information...7
2.3 Literatures for Inflation Forecasting in Japan...8
3. Forecasting Framework...9
3.1 Factor Model...9
3.2 Forecasting Models...10
4. Empirical Results...12
4.1 Data...12
4.2 Forecasting Results...13
4.3 Estimation and Interpretation of Factors from Macroeconomic Variables...15
4.4 Estimation and Interpretation of Factors from Macroeconomic Variables and CPI Subcomponents...15
5. Conclusion...16
6. References...18
7. Appendix...21
Table 1: Forecasting Results: Inflation...21
Table 2.1: The Number of Factors...22
Table 2.2: The Number of Factors...22
Table 2.3: The Number of Factors...23
Figure 1: R Square Values of the CPI Corresponding to Each CPI Subcomponent...24
Figure 2: Growth Rates of CPI Subcomponents...24
Figure 3: Fractions of Variance...25
Figure 4: Factors from 46 Macroeconomic Series...25
Figure 5: R Square Values of the Factors Corresponding to Each Variable (46 Macroeconomic Variables Plus 103 CPI Subcomponents)...28
Appendix A: Data Description...31
Appendix B: Specifications of the Factor Models Determined by the BIC Criterion (Partial)...37
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指導教授 姚睿(Ray Yau) 審核日期 2011-7-25
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