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姓名 鄭江宇(Chiang-Yu Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 網路評論助益性成因及其對消費者信任之影響:以實驗設計法操弄格式佈置效果
(What Makes Helpful Online Reviews to the Formation of Trustworthiness? An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Review Arrangement across Products)
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摘要(中) 消費者通常仰賴他人產品使用經驗來進行購物決策,在網路環境中更是不難發現此現象,例如網路評論即為相當普遍的例子。網路評論係由具產品使用經驗之消費者所撰寫,潛在消費者可藉由他人經驗得知特定產品是否值得購買。若評論確實為消費者帶來若干幫助,則消費者可以透過評價功能來讚許評論之助益性 (review helpfulness)。助益性一詞可以擁有多種面向,例如有助於了解產品、有助於節省資訊處理心力、有助於社交臨場感等。遺憾地,目前大多數實務評論網站皆以數字評價來表達評論助益性,此舉並無法清楚表達助益性所指為何。我們相信一般消費者於閱讀網路評論時,至少會關注上述三項評論助益性維度,故其重要性不言而喻。類似於輸入 (input)、處理 (process)、輸出 (output) 模式,本研究將同質理論 (homophily theory) 視為輸入、認知負荷理論 (cognitive load theory) 為處理,以及信任理論 (trust theory) 為輸出,以探究消費者如何處理網路評論之助益性。研究以2 (評論格式) × 2 (評論價鍵) × 2 (評論框架) 完全隨機因子為實驗設計,共募得480位受試者。研究結果顯示,“價值-狀態” 同質評論對助益性與信任具有較高之影響,此結果在評論價鍵與評論框架方向一致的情況下更為顯著 (例如多數負面評論與負面評論優先),然而這些研究發現會隨著產品屬性不同而產生不同地變化。相關理論義涵、實務義涵以及研究限制將於文中一併探討。
摘要(英) Consumers usually rely on others’ experiences to make their purchase decisions. One of the prevalent examples is online reviews. Reviews generated by reviewers serve as an informant to notify consumers that the product is worthy or unworthy of buying. The reviews are in turn praised by consumers with the helpfulness rating. The term “helpfulness” can have different meanings, for example, helpful to product understanding, cognitive effort saving, or perceived social presence which receive no considerations from the modern practices. We believe that consumers should at least care about these three helpfulness factors when reading reviews online. Similar to the input-process-output model, the current study applies homophily theory to the input of review helpfulness factors, while cognitive load theory pertains to the process required to transform the inputted reviews into the outputs. As for trust theory, it serves as outcomes of the cognitive process in the reviews. By connecting these theories, we can understand the way in which consumers interpret helpful reviews. A 2 (review format) × 2 (review valence) × 2 (review framing) full factorial experiment was conducted with 480 participants. The results indicate that value-status homophilous reviews introduce higher review helpfulness as well as review trustworthiness, particularly when reviews are valenced and framed with the same direction. Academic and practical implications are discussed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 認知處理
★ 信任
★ 評論框架
★ 評論價鍵
★ 評論助益性
★ 同質理論
關鍵字(英) ★ review helpfulness
★ Homophily
★ review valence
★ review framing
★ trustworthiness
★ cognitive process
論文目次 Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research motivation 2
1.3 Research questions and purposes 6
Chapter 2. Theory and hypotheses development 11
2.1 Homophily 12
2.1.1 Qualitative value homophily 13
2.1.2 Quantitative value homophily 15
2.1.3 Value-status homophily 17
2.2 Review valence and framing 19
2.2.1 Review valence 19
2.2.2 Review framing 20
2.3 Cognitive process 22
2.4 Review trustworthiness 23
2.5 Research model and hypotheses 25
2.5.1 Independent and dependent variables 25
2.5.2 The effects of review presentation formats on review helpfulness 28
2.5.3 Moderating effects 29
2.5.4 The effects of review helpfulness on review trustworthiness 31
Chapter 3. Research method 33
3.1 Experimental products 33
3.2 Design and measures 35
3.2.1 Consumer reviews 35
3.2.2 Review presentation formats 36
3.2.3 Review valence 37
3.2.4 Review framing 39
3.2.5 Dependent variables 40
3.1 Experimental websites 43
3.4 Control variables 45
3.5 Experimental procedures 45
3.5 Research methods 46
Chapter 4. Data analysis 50
4.1 ANCOVA analysis 51
4.2 PLS analysis 57
Chapter 5. Discussion 59
5.1 Search type product 60
5.2 Experience type product 64
Chapter 6. Implications 66
6.1 Theoretical implications 66
6.2 Practical implications 69
6.3 Limitations and future research 72
References 74
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