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姓名 許武先(Wu-hsien Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 結合分類分群技術建立推測法則之研究
(Conjecturable Rules Discovery by Clustering-Classification Hybrid Approach)
★ 零售業商業智慧之探討★ 有線電話通話異常偵測系統之建置
★ 資料探勘技術運用於在學成績與學測成果分析 -以高職餐飲管理科為例★ 利用資料採礦技術提昇財富管理效益 -以個案銀行為主
★ 晶圓製造良率模式之評比與分析-以國內某DRAM廠為例★ 商業智慧分析運用於學生成績之研究
★ 運用資料探勘技術建構國小高年級學生學業成就之預測模式★ 應用資料探勘技術建立機車貸款風險評估模式之研究-以A公司為例
★ 績效指標評估研究應用於提升研發設計品質保證★ 基於文字履歷及人格特質應用機械學習改善錄用品質
★ 以關係基因演算法為基礎之一般性架構解決包含限制處理之集合切割問題★ 關聯式資料庫之廣義知識探勘
★ 考量屬性值取得延遲的決策樹建構★ 從序列資料中找尋偏好圖的方法 - 應用於群體排名問題
★ 利用分割式分群演算法找共識群解群體決策問題★ 以新奇的方法有序共識群應用於群體決策問題
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摘要(中) 資料探勘的主要目的是發掘隱藏或未知的知識。分類技術可以透過分析具有分類標簽的訓練資料,建立各項法則以便未來對新資料進行分類。然而若資料集並未存在已知的分類標籤,分類技術則無法發揮。而分群技術可將無標籤的資料依據各資料點的相似程度,分成若干群,各群因具有高度相似的屬性值,可將各群歸類為某種概念。雖然分群技術可將無標籤的資料分為特定的數個概念,分群技術的特性卻無法如同分類技術一樣,將分群的規則留下來,以便於未來推測之用。
摘要(英) Discovering hidden or unknown knowledge is the major theme of most data mining studies. In this dissertation, we propose a new approach to discover conjecturable rules, which categorize observations of a data set into classes of similar attribute values instead of classes of crisp labels. The proposed approach is developed based on the two most developed data mining techniques: Classification and Clustering.
Classification is the problem of identifying the sub-population to which new observations belong. The result is decided according to a set of rules which discovered from a training set of data of observations whose sub-population is known. The technique is known as supervised learning, i.e. pre-defined labels are necessary for the process. The result is a set of rules which are able to predict which label a new observation is belonged to. However, when there is no label existed in the dataset, this technique fails to apply. On the other hand, Clustering is the process of grouping a set of objects into classes of similar objects. No pre-defined label is necessary for the process. It is known as unsupervised learning. Yet no any rule is preserved after the process for future prediction.
The object of this dissertation is to discover conjecturable rules from those datasets which do not have any predefined class label. Furthermore, the technique extends our two previous studies with fuzzy concept and outliers handling. Thus recessive conjecturable rules can be discovered as well as the accuracy is improved. The proposed technique covers the convenience of unsupervised learning as well as the ability of prediction of decision trees. The experiment results show that our proposed approach is capable to discover conjecturable rules as well as recessive rules. Sensitivity analysis is also given for practitioners’ reference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資料探勘
★ 分類
★ 分群
★ 推測規則
★ 決策樹
★ 數值分析
★ 模糊理論
關鍵字(英) ★ Data Mining
★ Cluster Analysis
★ Conceptual Cluste
論文目次 中文摘要 II
Abstract I
誌謝 IV
Contents V
List of Tables VII
List of Figures VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 7
Chapter 2 Related Works 8
2.1 Data Mining 8
2.2 Classification 10
2.3 Cluster Analysis 13
2.4 Fuzzy Clustering 15
2.5 Conjecturable Rules Discovery 17
Chapter 3 Recapturing: Conjecturable Rules Discovery 20
3.1 TASC 20
3.1.1 Problem Definition 20
3.1.2 TASC Algorithm 24 Two Measures of Fitness 26 Minimum Entropy Partitioning (MEP) 28 Equal-Width Binary Partitioning (EWP) 28 Equal-Depth Binary Partitioning (EDP) 31
3.2 Tree-based Clustering 33
3.2.1 Problem Definition 33
3.2.2 Attributes 34
3.2.3 Clus-Tree 36
3.2.4 k-nearest-neighbors Graph 37
3.2.5 Similarity Function 38
3.2.6 Satisfactory Vector 38
3.2.7 Tree-based Clustering Algorithm 41 Parameters 41 Clus-Tree Algorithm 42
3.3 Discussion on Previous Studies 50
Chapter 4 Fuzzy Tree-based Clustering 52
4.1 Problem Definition 52
4.2 FuzzClu_Tree Algorithm 60
4.3 Performance Evaluation and the Result 70
4.3.1 Performance Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis 70
4.3.2 Real Dataset Result 74
4.3.3 Comparison with an alternative method 79
4.3.4 Discussion 84
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Implications 85
5.1 Conclusions 85
5.2 Implications for Academic Researchers 86
5.3 Implications for Business Practitioners. 87
5.4 Future Works 89
References 90
Appendix: Synthetic Data Generation 98
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指導教授 陳彥良(Yen-liang Chen) 審核日期 2011-6-30
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