摘要(英) |
As a result of rapid changes in global competition and the end-customer market, supply chains of various industries have been evolving towards closer collaborative relationships. “Rolling forecast” has been an effective way for suppliers to gain market visibility, and a tool for implementing efficient vendor managed inventory (VMI), which in turn helps to reduce inventory costs. On the one hand, rolling forecast increase market visibilities for upstream suppliers, on the other hand, VMI transfer the inventory burden to the suppliers, but the supplier have to comply and collaborate by means of market force of the customers. From a supplier’s perspective, while market fluctuations can be monitored in advance, how to satisfy customer demands and keep VMI level at an acceptable level is still a big challenge.
The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offered by domestic software vendors do not have enough functions to meet the requirements for supply chain management, such as rolling forecast and management of VMI Hub.
This study focuses on a domestic company A, which sells automobile components. It aims to identify and solve the problems in the managerial process of company A’s VMI Hub, through customizing the ERP system. This project advanced the ERP functions in the management of VMI Hub, reduced human error, and also effectively controlled the VMI Hub to a relatively low level. The benefits for company A are better use of capital and increased competitiveness.
參考文獻 |
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