摘要(英) |
Along with economic environment change and financial policy deregulation, Life Insurance industry in Taiwan has become a perfect competition market. After legislating Financial Holding Company Act in 2001 and participating World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, the market of Life Insurance industry becomes more and more deregulated and globalized. Therefore, the pressure of competition that Life Insurance company is facing is not no longer restricted to the same companies. For example, the development of bancassurance channel deeply influences the rank of market share; the impact of low interest rate challenges business efficiency of Life Insurance company. Thus, a Life Insurance company would have to possess key competitive advantage so that it can be leader in this highly intensive environment.
The relevant researches of “The competitiveness of Life Insurance Industry” are rarely, and still focus on financial index. Due to Life Insurance Industry is a sub-industry of the Service, customer is all that matters. It can be profoundly helpful for a company to construct its competitive advantage, as long as it controls the feeling of customers. This research uses Analysis of Characteristics to identify target customers’ main characteristics, secondary characteristics and additional characteristic, combine with the feedback of customer to help us to understand the essence of competitive advantage, and try to figure out that if different kinds of Life Insurance company keeps different competitive advantage and strategy.(For example, life insurance company under financial holding company and non-financial holdings company.)
At the same time, this research uses the importance and satisfaction of consumers’ characteristics to analyze the scale of competitive advantages (ex, excessively or averagely above/below competitive advantage) of target companies as reference points for resource allocation. After all,if case company wants to sustain competitive advantage, they need to manipulate management skills such as increase customers’ product benefit and decrease operation cost to expand their economic value. Finally, this research expects to provide life insurance entrepreneurs a different thought through customer’s perspective –not only concentrate on the market share of first year premium, but also the customer’s experience and services we provide to enhance the customer’s positive feeling, and create the competitive advantage of the company.
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