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姓名 姚維翰(Wei-Hann Yao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 無鐵心線性永磁同步馬達驅動系統之設計與控制
(Design and Control of an Ironless Linear Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive System)
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摘要(中) 本篇論文提出幾種適用於高精度無鐵心線性永磁同步馬達驅動系統的控制演算法。首先提出一種強健不確定項消除控制器和時間延遲補償器的控制方法用於未知系統參數的無鐵心線性永磁同步馬達系統。此控制方法應用於無鐵心線性永磁同步馬達系統的電流和速度迴路控制上,來減少由d-q軸耦合項、系統的不確定項、摩擦力和重力所造成的干擾。此控制方法好處之一是它相當簡單,並且讓系統於穩態時的輸出等於輸入,這代表系統的DC增益可以設計成1。因此本控制方法不需再結合其他控制演算法。另外的好處是此控制方法不需要知道確切的系統參數。其次本論文提出一種震盪消除方法用於無鐵心線性永磁同步馬達系統。由於系統的非線性因素會使得無鐵心線性永磁同步馬達系統在某些PI控制器參數可能產生震盪。因此本震盪消除控制方法可以限制PI控制器參數在一定的穩定範圍內,以避免震盪現象產生。此震盪消除方法也可應用於
摘要(英) This dissertation presents some control scheme for an ironless linear permanent-magnet synchronous motor (ILPMSM) system of high-precision control. First, a robust uncertainty controller with a system delay compensation for an ILPMSM system with unknown system parameters is proposed. The proposed control scheme is applied for ILPMSM system current and velocity control to reduce disturbance due to the d-q axis coupling effect, modeling uncertainty, friction and gravity force. One of the advantages of the proposed controller is relatively simple, and allows system steady-state output to be equal to input, which means that DC gain of the controlled system is designed as one. As a result, the proposed controller does not need to be combined with other control algorithms. Another advantage of the proposed controller is that it does not need to known system parameters precisely. Next, we propose a hunting suppression scheme for an ILPMSM driver system. Since the ILPMSM system with certain PI controller parameters may result in hunting because of nonlinearities. Therefore, the proposed compensator can limit the parameter values of the PI controller to an upper bound value corresponding to the upper limit of the stability range of the system. This hunting suppression scheme also can be applied for a control system with low sampling rate. The closed loop control system may become unstable and cause hunting if a low sampling rate is set with certain controller parameters. The proposed hunting suppression scheme is simple and ensures that the closed loop system remains stable at a fixed low sampling rate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時間延遲補償器
★ 不確定項消除
★ 強健不確定項消除控制器
★ 線性馬達
★ 重力補償
★ 震盪補償器
★ 低取樣頻率
關鍵字(英) ★ robust uncertainty controller
★ linear motor
★ uncertainty cancellation
★ delay compensation
★ gravity compensation
★ hunting compensator
★ low sampling rate
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 IV
Contents i
Figure Captions ii
1 Introduction P.1
1.1 Motivation P.1
1.2 Literature survey P.3
1.3 Organization of this dissertation P.8
2 Ironless Linear Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Structure and Dynamic Modeling P.10
2.1 Outline of this chapter P.10
2.2 ILPMSM Structure and Dynamic Modeling P.10
3 Robust Uncertainty Controller with System Delay Compensation for an ILPMSM System with Unknown System Parameters P.17
3.1 Outline of this chapter P.17
3.2 System Configuration of the Established DSP-Based ILPMSM Drive P.19
3.3 Robust Uncertainty Control Scheme P.22
3.4 Robust Uncertainty Control Scheme for ILPMSM System Current Control P.26
3.4.1 Simulation Results P.31
3.4.2 Experimental Results P.34
3.5 Robust Uncertainty Control Scheme for ILPMSM System Velocity Control P.41
3.5.1 Simulation Results P.44
3.5.2 Experimental Results P.46
4 Suppression of hunting in an ILPMSM driver system using hunting compensator P.53
4.1 Outline of this chapter P.53
4.2 Hunting Suppression Scheme P.55
4.3 Suppression of hunting in an ILPMSM driver system using hunting compensator P.58
4.3.1 Simulation Results P.66
4.3.2 Experimental Results P.71
4.4 Hunting Suppression for a Control System with Low Sampling Rate P.78
4.4.1 Simulation Results P.81
5 Conclusions P.85
References P.88
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指導教授 董必正、周復初
(Pi-Cheng Tung、Fu-Chu Chou)
審核日期 2012-3-26
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