博碩士論文 983203080 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊其泰(Chi-tai Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 基於慣性感測訊號之肢體軌跡重建研究-各類迴旋運動
(Motion Trajectory Reconstruction of Upper Limbs Based on Inertia Sensing Signals-Various Limb-Revolution Montions)
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摘要(中) 本研究以分析慣性感測訊號來重建手臂運動軌跡,索量測訊號包含角速度與線加速度。研究分為兩部分,第一部份為技術發展,也就是肢體運動模擬與軌跡重建方法建構,運動模擬可利用運動學推導出角速度與線加速度方程式,以模擬肢體運動過程產生之相對座標角速度與線加速度值;而軌跡重建須用絕對座標之加速度,但要使相對座標數值轉換到絕對座標上則需靠轉移矩陣來轉換,轉移矩陣可由四元數法求得,而四元數值可由角位移得到,本研究提出一新穎方法獲得角位移,由角速度訊號之頻譜獲得頻域訊號之頻率、幅值及相位,從而計算其角位移;同理,絕對座標之線加速度,同樣經過頻譜分析獲得其頻域訊號之頻率、幅值及相位,以計算線位移,如此進而重建運動軌跡。第二部份為技術驗證,設計五種迴旋動作,並比較模擬訊號與實際量測之慣性感測訊號重建之軌跡正確性。
摘要(英) The aim of this study is to analyze inertia sensing signals including acceleration and angular velocity for the reconstruction of motion trajectory of upper limbs. This study consists of two parts. The first part is the technical develop, that is limbs motion simulation and build the method of trajectory reconstruction. In order to simulate the angular velocity and linear acceleration value on the local coordinates in limb movement, can derive the angular velocity equation and linear acceleration equation by using kinematics. However, reconstruction of trajectory will use the acceleration on global coordinates, so make the value on local coordinate can transform to the global coordinates by use transformation matrix. Then transformation matrix can get by using quaternion, and quaternion can get by using angular displacement. This study presents new method to obtain angular displacement, by calculated frequency domain signal frequency, amplitude and phase that from angular velocity signal spectrum. Similarly, by using the spectrum of linear acceleration on global coordinates, can compute the linear displacement, and reconstruct motion trajectory. Secondly, is the technical verification. Design five revolution motions, to compare the correctness of reconstruction of motion trajectory by used simulation signal and inertia sensing signal from actual measurement.
Through comparing the results between simulated signals and experimental data, the developed motion trajectory reconstruction scheme is justified.
關鍵字(中) ★ 慣性感測訊號
★ 頻譜分析.
★ 軌跡重建
關鍵字(英) ★ Frequency analysis.
★ Trajectory reconstruction
★ Inertia sensing signal
論文目次 摘 要.................................. i
Abstract.................................. ii
誌謝.................................. iii
目錄.................................. iv
圖目錄.................................. vi
第一章緒論................................ 1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................... 1
1.2 文獻回顧.............................. 1
1.3 研究範疇.............................. 3
第二章運動軌跡重建理論基礎........................ 5
2.1 座標轉換.............................. 5
2.1.1 基本轉換定義......................... 5 平移.......................... 5 旋轉.......................... 6
2.1.2 座標軸轉換.......................... 8 尤拉角......................... 8 四元數法........................ 8
2.2 傅立葉分析............................. 9
2.2.1 定義............................. 9
2.2.2 應用............................ 10
第三章運動軌跡重建分析計算....................... 13
3.1 座標軸系統定義........................... 13
3.2 手臂各部位定義.......................... 13
3.3 手臂運動模擬........................... 14
3.3.1 順向運動學......................... 14
3.3.2 運動方程式推導........................ 14 初始狀態假設...................... 14 上臂運動方程式..................... 15 前臂運動方程式..................... 19
3.4 手臂運動軌跡重建......................... 22
3.4.1 逆向運動學......................... 22
3.4.2 運動軌跡重建方法...................... 22
第四章運動軌跡重建模擬.......................... 25
4.1 運動動作模擬........................... 25
4.2 模擬運動的軌跡重建......................... 36
4.3 模擬推導的驗證.......................... 39
4.3.1 建模............................ 39
4.3.2 動作分析.......................... 40
第五章運動軌跡重建實驗與結果...................... 46
5.1 實驗裝置及架構.......................... 46
5.2 實驗量測與結果.......................... 48
第六章結論與未來展望.......................... 60
參考文獻................................. 61
附錄A-手臂向上抬起............................ 63
附錄B-前臂順時針旋轉........................... 71
附錄C-手臂向右上方移動.......................... 79
附錄D-手臂收束運動............................ 87
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指導教授 潘敏俊(Min-chun Pan) 審核日期 2012-3-30
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