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姓名 蔡長沛(Chang-pei Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 愛倫坡之威廉˙威爾生與詹姆士˙萊斯登之獨角人中的自我駕馭幻想
(The Fantasy of Self-mastery in Edgar Allan Poe “William Wilson” and James Lasdun’s The Horned Man)
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摘要(中) 摘 要
摘要(英) Abstract
This thesis will focus on the problem of the fantasy of self-mastery by comparing Poe’s “William Wilson” with The Horned Man, a recent novel written by James Lasdun in 2002. In studying the fantasy of self-mastery in these two texts, I intend to hold a reconsideration of the Enlightenment concept of the individual. By Lacanian reading of the Double motif in “William Wilson”, I locate the fantasy of self-mastery in the pursuit of self-unity. In Lacanian terms, self-unity comes from the subject’s identification with mirror reflection that creates the sense of mastery. However, by inducing the subject’s identification, the obsession with the unified self will also send the subject to a fantasy of self-mastery. As the tale presents the obsession with a unified self as suicidal in the end, I thus consider the tale as forming a critique to the making of the individual regulated by the Enlightenment concept. I also read an anticipation of the involuntary condition of post-modern subject in the tale. Studying the same employment of the Double motif in the novel, I find its unique accentuation of the rationalist style can be able to push further the critique formed in Poe’s tale. I see the rationalist attitude as where the fantasy of self-mastery expresses itself. From the novel’s detective narrative, I discover that under the rationalist surface lies actually a denial of the irrational self. By employing Terry Castle’s critique of the Enlightenment rationalism to read such self-denial, a process of alienation within the subject can be represented. In The end, I argue that through such self-alienation, the power of self-regulation can be internalized within the subject, who is in turn subjugated by social institutions and ideology.
關鍵字(中) ★ 幻想
★ 啟蒙運動
★ 替身
關鍵字(英) ★ fantasy
★ the Enlightenment
★ the Double
論文目次 Table of Contents
中 文 摘 要 ..i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Chapter One
Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to the Author of The Horned Man 2
1.2 The Troubled Individual: A Summary of the Tale and the Novel 3
1.3 From Self-mastery to Self-regulation: What is Threatening the Subject? 5
1.4 Chapter Overview 9
Chapter Two
The Double and the Fantasy of Self-Mastery: The Problematic in Modern Individualism 13
1.1 Poe’s Fashion of a Troubled Individual 13
1.2 The Modern Revival of The Double 15
2.1 “William Wilson”: Individualism as the Problem for the Individual 21
2.2 A Psychoanalytical Reading 23
2.3 From individual psychology to Individualism as the Social Structure 29
2.4 The Fantasy of Self-mastery 32
Chapter Three
The Radical Self Alienation: The Rationalist Attitude and the Power of Self-Regulation 37
1.1 The All-Go-Wrong Rationalist Attitude: The Detached Means and Ends 40
1.2 The Problem of Performative Language 42
2.1 The Rationalist Irrationalism: The Criminal within the Detective 45
2.2 The Denial of the Irrational and Self-Possession 50
2.3 The Denial of the Irrational Self 53
3.1 The Alienated Self and the Compulsion of Self Regulation 56
3.2 A Recapture of the Problematic of the Rationalist Attitude from “William Wilson” to The Horned Man 59
Chapter Four
Conclusion 63
Works Cited 68
參考文獻 Works Cited
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指導教授 白瑞梅(Amie Parry) 審核日期 2012-1-19
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