博碩士論文 971202001 詳細資訊

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姓名 張瑜玶(Cherry Yu-ping)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 張亦絢<<壞掉時候>>與<<最好的時光>>中的糾結情感
(Entangled Emotions in Zhang Yi-Xuan's The Broken Hours and The Best Hours)
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摘要(中) 本文檢視張亦絢如何透過書寫混雜且糾結的情感以介入台灣當代女同志、酷兒、與女性主義情感政治。張亦絢作為一位90年代的女同志女性主義者(lesbian feminist),她在<<壞掉時候>>(2001)與<<最好的時光>>(2003) 回顧了她在90年代的青春歲月,因此這兩本小說集可被視為一道又一道可深入探究女同志和女性主義政治以及她們之間交互關係的時光隧道。這些作品不僅記錄了大學院校內女性主義研究社女學生的親密關係,也再現了許多歷史情感,如女同憂鬱和愉悅、女性主義創傷與愉悅等等。儘管有著豐厚的歷史價值,張的作品長久以來為學界所忽略。此外,大多數的評論家都採用文學和文化理論來解讀她的作品,而非把它們重新置放回女同志—女性主義的特殊歷史脈絡。由此,本文旨在歷史化地檢視張文本中所再現的女同志—女性主義情感以及它們的混雜糾結,並分析糾結情感背後的政治意義。
第一章「毀壞的性愛故事」探討張如何在<性愛故事>與<在灰燼的夏天裡>雜交憂鬱的女學生羅曼史(school girl romance)和因應90年代女同志愉悅反抗論述而興起的女同志情慾小說 (lesbian erotica)兩種文類。張並置憂鬱與愉悅的書寫不僅進一步複雜化當代的女同志和酷兒情感政治也提供了同時容納憂鬱與愉悅的可能性,使得兩種看似衝突的歷史情感不必然互斥。
在本文的結語部分,我分析張的混雜情感與糾結情感書寫的歷史意義、重要性、可能潛藏的問題。儘管張的書寫貌似佔據一種可能有問題的中間路線,但我認為如此的混雜與糾結情感書寫不僅僅作為一種歷史情感檔案(archives of historical feelings),也得以爲當代的女同志、酷兒、與女性主義情感政治提供一種同時追求性愉悅並記憶/再記憶性憂鬱/創傷的可能性。
摘要(英) This thesis examines how Zhang Yi-Xuan intervenes in contemporary lesbian, queer, and feminist emotional politics in Taiwan through her writing of mixed feelings and entangled emotions. As a lesbian feminist in the 90s, Zhang Yi-Zuan in The Broken Hous(2001) and The Best Hours(2003) glances backward to her youth days in the 90s; therefore, the two collections could be perceived as the tunnels of time into lesbian and feminist politics and their interrelations. These works not only record the lives and intimacy of young female students in feminist study clubs across university campuses, but also represent various historical emotions, such as lesbian pleasure and melancholia as well as feminist trauma and pleasure, etc. Regardless of the dense historical values of Zhang’s works, they have long been ignored by the academia. In addition to this, most critics read Zhang’s texts in terms of literary and cultural theories instead of relocating them back into their specific lesbian-feminist historical context. Hence, this thesis aims to historically examine these lesbian-feminist emotions represented within Zhang’s works and their mixtures and entanglements, to analyze the political significance behind this very entanglement of emotions.
Chapter one “Spoiled Erotic Stories” looks into how Zhang in “The Erotic Story” and “Within the Summer of Ashes” inter-breeds melancholic school girl romance genre and lesbian erotica which corresponds to lesbians’ pleasurable reverse discourse in the 90s. Zhang’s juxtaposition of melancholia and pleasure not only further complicates contemporary lesbian and queer emotional politics but also offers a possibility to accommodate both melancholia and pleasure and render the conflicting historical emotions not necessarily exclusive.
Chapter two “Feminist Trauma and Pleasure” deals with how Zhang entangles gender-based feminists’ politics of trauma and sexuality feminists’ politics of pleasure in “Yin Ren Qi Nu” and “Within the Summer of Ashes.” Through contexualizing the turn of feminist emotional politics in Taiwan and the political effects of exclusion it engenders and close-reading how the two works intertwines the two camps’ conflicting emotional politics and rhetoric, I argue that Zhang’s writing of entangled emotions could be understood as younger generation of feminists’ assimilation and re-conception of two camps of forerunner’s politics. Different form gender-based feminists’ clinging to biological women’s sexual trauma, younger generation of feminists, under the influence of feminist sex wars, had already developed an emotional politics that finds pleasure in trauma and remembers/re-members trauma in bodily pleasure. Nonetheless, young feminists’ erotic (sexual) explorations and their voices calling for the alliance of different feminist tactics were seriously condemned by gender-based feminists. Zhang’s writing of entangled emotions perhaps could be understood as younger generation of feminists’ dilemma in taking political stances with ease.
In the concluding part of this thesis, I analyze the historical significance and importance behind Zhang’s writing of mixed feelings and entangled emotions and the possible problems inherent in her politics. Although Zhang seems to occupy a problematic middle path, her writing of mixed feelings and entangled emotions not only constitutes as archives of historical feelings, but also offers contemporary lesbian, queer, and feminist emotional politics a possibility to pursue sexual pleasure and simultaneously remember/re-member sexual melancholia/trauma.
關鍵字(中) ★ 性愛故事
★ 女研社
★ 在灰燼的夏天裡
★ 女性主義性論戰
★ 女性主義創傷與愉悅
★ 壞掉時候
★ 張亦絢
★ 記憶與再記憶
★ 混雜情感
★ 糾結情感
★ 情感檔案
★ 淫人妻女
★ 情感政治
★ 女同志憂鬱與愉悅
★ 女同志情慾小說
★ 女學生羅曼史
★ 女同志女性主義
★ 最好的時光
關鍵字(英) ★ lesbian erotica
★ lesbian feminism
★ feminist trauma and pleasure
★ politics of emotions
★ feminist sex wars.
★ Yin-Ren Qi-Nu
★ Within the Summer of Ashes
★ The Erotic Story
★ The Best Hours
★ The Broken Hours
★ Zhang Yi-Xuan
★ archives of feelings
★ entangled emotions
★ mixed fe
論文目次 Abstract………………………………………………………………………………...i
Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………...iii
Note on Translations and Transliterations……………………………………………ix
1. The Erotic Story: Pleasure as Reverse Discourse…………………………3
2. Backward Glances: Melancholic School Girl Romance in Repetition……6
3. Glancing Backward: A Historical Perspective………….............................9
4. The Broken Hours and The Best Hours as Archives of Feelings………15
5. Chapter Overview………………………………………………………..18
Chapter 1: Spoiled Erotic Stories…………………………………………………….21
1. TES as Reworked School Girl Romance………………………………22
2. WTSA as Critique of Sexual Repression……………………………… 33
3. Rememberance and Re-memberance…………………………………44
Chapter 2: Feminist Trauma and Pleasure…………………………………………...47
1. From Trauma to Pleasure………………………………………………50
2. Young Feminists’ mixed Politics…………………………………………65
3. The Interplay of Trauma and Pleasure in YRQN and WTSA……………70
1. Trauma or Pleasure? Gender or Sexuality? That is a Question…………85
2. Entangled Emotions …………………………………………………..95
Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………99
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指導教授 丁乃非(Ding Naifei) 審核日期 2012-1-30
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