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李伊婷(Yi-ting Lee)
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法律與政府研究所 |
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政治因素對於法院審理之影響分析:以台灣選舉誹謗司法案件為例 (Analysis on Political Factors Influencing the Court's Ruling Outcomes: Take Cases of Defamation in Campaign as Example)
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摘要(中) |
在台灣選舉過程中,採取「負面競選」(negative campaigning)是相當普遍的手法,也因此經常引起選舉誹謗訴訟案件。然而,這類涉及高度政治敏感性的司法案件,其判決結果是否會受到政治因素的影響?本論文蒐集「司法院法學資料檢索系統」,於2000年1月至2011年3月期間,各級法院(地方法院、高等法院、最高法院)選舉誹謗案件判決,透過「政黨因素」、「當選與否」、「關係背景」(選舉層級及被告身分)、「審判層級」四個指標,採取量化與質化(文獻分析及深度訪談)兩種研究方法、三個階段資料分析,檢證政治因素是否會影響選舉誹謗案件的判決結果。實證資料顯示,在量化分析方面,除當選者較易被判無罪之外,其餘三個指標(政黨因素、關係背景、審判層級)與法院判決之間並不必然存有因果關係。在質化分析方面,亦無法證明政治因素有系統性的影響法院的判決。總體而言,民間對於審判刻板印象,譬如「法院是國民黨開的」、「當選過關,落選被關」、「有關係就沒關係、沒關係就有關係」、「一審重判,二審減半,三審不算」等,與實際司法運作情形有所出入,而這樣的落差乃因對於法律審判原則不熟悉及政治人物訴諸群眾力量所造成。在結論中,摘述分析要點,並提出研究限制及未來可能發展方向。
摘要(英) |
During elections, negative campaigning is a fairly common approach taken in Taiwan, and therefore often leads to cases of defamation in campaign. Owing to high political sensitivities with which such judicial cases are characterized, most people doubt whether such ruling results would be affected by political factors. This article collected data on judgments of campaign defamation in the Courts (District Court, the High Court and Supreme Court) from January 2000 to March 2011. Relevant data are obtained from “The Judicial Yuan of The Republic of China Law and Regulations Retrieving System.” Using quantitative analyses and qualitative method (documentary analyses and in-depth interviews), this article investigates the impacts of four indicators (partisanship, elected or not, sociopolitical connections, and judicial procedure) on litigations of campaign defamation. In the quantitative analyses, empirical data show that the three indicators (partisanship, sociopolitical connections, and judicial procedure) do not necessarily have a causal relationship with the Court’’s judgments except that those elected are more likely to be found not guilty. In the part of qualitative analyses, there is no obvious evidence proving that political factors systematically influence the Court’’s decisions. Generally speaking, we conclude that the stereotypes of judicial systems, for example, “the courts are dominated by the Kuomintang;” “those elected will be let off, but those losing the elections will be imprisoned;” “those with good social connections won’t have any problem, but those without connections will have big trouble;” or “at the first trial a heavy sentence is passed, at the second trial the sentence is halved, and at the third trial the case is quashed;” are different from the actual situations in judiciary operations. This gap between people’s perceptions and the reality is largely due to the general public’s unfamiliarity of the legal principles and politicians’ strategy to impose pressure on the Courts by mobilizing voters. In conclusion, the key findings and research limitations are reviewed, and suggestions of judicial politics are proposed for future research.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 司法體系 ★ 國民黨 ★ 政治因素 ★ 法院 ★ 選舉誹謗案件 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ judicial system ★ Kuomintang ★ political factor ★ court ★ defamation in campaign |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論......................................1
第一節 研究目的與動機..........................1
第二節 研究架構................................2
第二章 司法審判與選舉誹謗........................4
第一節 司法獨立性與民主政治....................4
第二節 影響司法審判可能因素....................6
第三節 選舉誹謗現象探討.......................11
第三章 研究設計.................................13
第一節 研究問題與假設.........................13
第二節 研究資料說明...........................14
第三節 研究方法...............................15
第四章 備受社會關注選舉誹謗案件之文獻分析.......19
第一節 政黨因素對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....19
第二節 當選與否對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....23
第三節 選舉層級對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....27
第四節 被告身分對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....30
第五節 審判層級對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....34
第五章 政治因素對於選舉誹謗訴訟影響之量化分析...39
第一節 2000年至2011年選舉誹謗案件趨勢.........39
第二節 政治因素與選舉誹謗案件的交叉分析.......41
第六章 司法實務運作與民眾觀感之落差.............44
第一節 負面競選與司法審判之關係...............44
第二節 政黨因素對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....45
第三節 當選與否對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....47
第四節 關係背景對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....48
第五節 審判層級對於選舉誹謗案件審判之影響.....50
第七章 結論.....................................52
第一節 研究結果...............................52
第二節 研究限制與展望.........................53
附件一 編碼說明................................61
附件二 深度訪談大綱............................64
附件三 備受社會關注選舉誹謗案件................65
附件四 選舉誹謗案件原告與被告黨籍交叉分析......76
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指導教授 |
吳重禮、孫煒 (Chung-li Wu、Way Sun)
審核日期 |
2012-1-30 |
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