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姓名 林維國(Wei-kuo Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 從惡意電子郵件攻擊樣本探討未來我國政府機關社交工程演練之方向–以A機關為例
(A Study of Government Agencies in Social Engineering Exercise Based on Attacks from Malicious Email Samples:The Case of A Agency)
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摘要(中) 近年來我國資通訊科技環境發展迅速,相對地資安事件也層出不窮,綜觀過去所發生的資安事件,不僅是民營企業容易遭受駭客入侵,更嚴重的是針對政府機關所發動的「目標式攻擊」;而此類攻擊大多以竊取機敏資料為主要目的,所使用的攻擊方式不僅跳脫傳統的駭客攻擊手法,更提升為結合「社交工程」手法的人性面攻擊,其完美地結合零時差攻擊與人性面的脆弱,巧妙地將惡意檔案以電子郵件夾帶的方式,寄送至所欲攻擊使用者的電子郵件信箱,企圖誘使開啟並執行其中所附加之惡意檔案,以進而成功奪取系統控制權,達到逐步滲透政府機關的意圖。
本研究發現目前A機關除面臨目標式攻擊外,該攻擊亦符合進階持續性滲透攻擊(APT) 特徵,手法以公務類型惡意電子郵件社交工程攻擊為主。面對此類攻擊,A機關除應改善其防範惡意電子社交工程攻擊演練計畫外;另外在面對真實攻擊時,建議可以針對「人員」及其使用「電腦設備」進行監控,並提出監控 (Monitor)、鑑識 (Forensics)、分析 (Analysis)、記錄 (Record)之MFAR主動防禦概念,希冀有效降低被入侵之機會。
摘要(英) In recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) has developed rapidly in Taiwan. However, information security incidents emerge endlessly. Observing the past incidents in general indicate that not only private enterprises are easy to be invaded by hackers, but government organizations are also victims of “targeted attack.” The main purpose of this kind of attacks is stealing sensitive data not by traditional ways of hacking but by attacking weaknesses in human nature combined with “social engineering.” It perfectly utilizes zero-day attack, in connection with weak aspects of human nature, by skillfully attaching malicious files in e-mail and sending to targeted e-mail boxes. When government users are lured to check out the malicious files, they will lose command ability and hackers can successfully achieve the purpose of gradually infiltrating government organizations.
This study took a particular government agency, A, as an example and collected 173 malicious e-mail samples (new/unknown malicious e-mail when attacking) that the agency suffered in 2011 as the basis of analysis. The study, through research design and two analytical processes, extracted deep information and analyzed the information with association rules, and found the attack patterns and characteristics. Furthermore, the study compared the findings with malicious e-mail social engineering exercise in order to improve social engineering exercises and management of malicious e-mail attacks.
This study found that A agency was attacked by targeted attacks that conformed with the characteristics of advanced persistent penetration attacks (APT), and most attacks were malicious e-mail social engineering attacks. Facing such attacks, this study suggested A agency should improve its drill program for preventing malicious electronic social engineering attacks; In addition, the study suggests the agency to carefully inspect its “officers” and “the computers used by the officers” and proposes the active defense concept, MFAR (Monitor, Forensics, Analysis, Record), in order to reduce the opportunities of successful invasion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社交工程
★ 目標式攻擊
★ 關聯規則
關鍵字(英) ★ Social Engineering
★ Association Rules
★ Targeted Attack
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究流程 5
1.5 研究對象與範圍 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 目標式攻擊 8
2.2 社交工程攻擊 12
2.3 我國政府機關防範惡意電子郵件社交工程演練概況 14
2.4 資料探勘 15
2.5 小結 20
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 研究架構 21
3.2 資料蒐集與定義 23
3.3 研究設計 28
第四章 實徵分析與探勘結果 29
4.1 分析環境說明 29
4.2 樣本初步分析與結果 38
4.3 資料探勘與結果 66
4.4 研究發現 77
4.5 改善建議 82
第五章 結論 89
5.1 研究結論 89
5.2 研究限制及未來研究方向 91
參考文獻 93
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2012-6-13
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