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蕭至斌(Chih-pin Hsiao)
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高階主管企管碩士班 |
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摘要(中) |
SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model) 是由國際供應鏈協會 (Supply-Chain Council) 開發支援,適合於不同工業領域的供應鏈運作參考模型。這是第一個標準的供應鏈流程參考模型,且是供應鏈的診斷工具,更涵蓋了所有行業。作為行業標準,SCOR關注企業內部供應鏈,用於描述、量度、評價供應鏈配置。
1. 分析產業的供應鏈活動。
2. 確立供應鏈再造和取得改進的方法。
3. 量化運作的表現並設置目標。
4. 總結出最好的供應鏈管理方式,並嘗試將它導入ERP系統。
在許多情況下,改變管理流程即可使企業獲得最佳績效。企業在運營中自始至終必須努力提高其供應鏈管理的效率。在提高其自身運作效率的同時,企業可以開始同供應商和客戶一道發展成被稱為「擴展企業」(Extended enterprise)的夥伴關係。最後,希望研究成果能提供焊材產業在供應鏈管理的參考。
摘要(英) |
Seeing the current global welding consumable market through a scope, one will find that uprising countries forced the market to face a fierce competition and turned it into a low price war. In order to tackle this adversity, the immediate improvement regarding the efficiency of the supply-chain operation management becomes the top priority. The welding consumable manufacturers in Taiwan and China not only have to answer the ever increasing higher quality standard from the market, but also have to face international competition from Europe, US, and Japan, whom still have superior technical advantages. Thus a well maintained cooperation between supply chain and manufacturers could become the core of a competitive corporation.
SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference model) is an example model created and supported by the International Supply-Chain Council, suitable for varies industrial field. Not only is SCOR a standard model with all the supply-chain procedures, it also provides diagnosis regarding different fields and under different circumstances. As an industry standard, SCOR focuses on internal corporation supply-chain, and can be used to describe, measure, and comment each setup in details.
The goal of this research is to focus on building a specific model for the welding consumable supply-chain management using the SCOR base model. The expected results of this model would reach is as follows:
1. Analyze the supply-chain activity of this industry.
2. Confirm the re-structure and improving methods of the supply-chain.
3. Digitalize the performance of the operation with graphical charts and set goals.
4. Finalize the best management system of the supply-chain, and try to implement it into the ERP system.
Under many different circumstances, changing the management procedure can improve the efficiency of a corporation. Improving the efficiency of the supply-chain management system within a corporation should always be a constant goal throughout. During the process, a corporation can start a new relationship and partnership with the suppliers and customers called the “Extended Enterprise.”At last,I also hope this research can provide as reference documentation for the welding consumable field.
關鍵字(中) |
★ SCOR ★ 國際供應鏈協會 ★ ERP ★ 擴展企業 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ SCOR ★ ERP ★ International Supply-Chain Council ★ Extended Enterprise |
論文目次 |
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3理論基礎與目的 3
1.4研究架構 3
二、文獻探討 5
2.1供應鏈管理及運作參考模式 5
2.1.1概念 5
2.1.2發展歷史及現狀 5
2.1.3影響供應鏈優化的因素 7
2.1.4供應鏈管理水準衡量 8
2.1.5供應鏈與需求鏈的聯繫 9
2.1.6模型體系結構的重要性 10
2.2 SCOR介紹 13
2.2.1 SCOR 模型涵蓋的範圍 13
2.2.2 SCOR 模型的流程定義 13
2.2.3 SCOR 模型的供應鏈評價指標 15
2.2.4 SCOR 模型的作用 16
2.3文獻探討總結 17
2.3.1研究價值 17
2.3.2研究方向相關文獻支持總結 18
三、GT公司概況介紹及存在問題 19
3.1公司簡介 19
3.2組織架構 20
3.3生產製造流程及產品系列 22
3.4目前存在的問題和困難 24
3.5本章小結 25
四、基於SCOR模型的GT供應鏈管理研究分析 26
4.1確認需求 26
4.2 GT公司在產業供應鏈的位置 27
4.3 供應鏈改善的範圍及策略 31
4.4 使用SCOR分析供應鏈問題 36
4.5 SCOR第四層展開與問題描述 46
4.6 訂立供應鏈改善績效衡量標準 56
4.7 本章小結 58
五、供應鏈管理系統SCOR導入ERP系統 60
5.1 擬定專案計畫 60
5.2 高階與關鍵人員教育訓練 61
5.3 VMI實施 63
5.4效益分析 71
5.5本章小結 72
六、結論與建議 73
6.1研究限制 73
6.2成果與探討 73
6.3 SCOR導入過程影響 77
6.4 未來研究建議 77
參考文獻 79
參考文獻 |
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[1] MBA智庫百科。
[2] SCM 互動百科。
[3] 劉建著:中國企業供應鏈管理的基本現狀和未來。
[4] 中國管理諮詢網:21世紀企業面臨的環境和挑戰
[5] 智慧領袖網:淺析SCM的四個終極目標
[6] 京都名師論文網:供應鏈體系結構模型
[7] 產業策略評析: BCG矩陣與產品佈局思考
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審核日期 |
2012-5-9 |
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