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論文名稱 國小學童對幽默漫畫閱讀歷程之研究
(A Study on Elementary Students’ Humor ComprehensionDuring the Humorous Comics Reading)
★ 以同儕互評與討論提升小六學童之寫作表現 ~以行動學習輔具教室為例★ 從眼動資料探討字形與聲旁在篇章閱讀的效果
★ 從眼動資料探討連接詞與閱讀歷程之關係★ EFL大學生閱讀英文的眼動資料分析
★ 以眼動型態探討背景知識對詞彙辨識的影響★ 閱讀教學與國民小學學童閱讀動機及行為的關係—以2005年PIRLS資料為例
★ 合作寫作對於國小學童科學概念學習之影響★ 記憶廣度與語境效應對閱讀歧義句的影響:來自眼動的證據
★ 由句法探討手語聽障生書面語閱讀的現象★ 英文閱讀能力與先備知識對閱讀物理篇章推論的影響
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★ 國小學生對統計圖理解層次之研究★ 成人與小六學童在中文多義詞語意激發和選擇的比較
★ 線上閱讀測驗之發展與學生能力表現之探究★ 關係子題及線圖對國小數學低成就學生理解比較型文字題之影響
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摘要(中) 國小學童對幽默漫畫閱讀歷程之研究
摘 要
研究指出,幽默對於增進身心健康、調適情緒、減壓抗壓以及人際關係的處理都有許多效益(Nezlek & Derks, 2001;Morreall, 1987;O’ Connell, 1962)。幽默的刺激包含語文及非語文的材料,而幽默漫畫係指以輕鬆詼諧的手法來描繪題材,加上文字或不加文字構成一個笑點,並涵蓋兩個以上不一致、不合宜或失諧部份的圖畫。基於幽默的好處以及過去較少關注幽默圖文的研究,本研究目的為探討國小學童閱讀四格幽默漫畫之歷程研究,研究對象為國小學童共32名,男女人數各半,並透過圈選十篇四格漫畫之幽默漫畫評選測驗以及半結構式訪談,來分析不同年齡(二、六年級)、性別的讀者對於幽默漫畫圖文欣賞與圈選幽默點之差異以及不同幽默理解點兒童對於幽默理解的詮釋與好笑理由。研究結果顯示:
摘要(英) A Study on Elementary Students’ Humor Comprehension
During the Humorous Comics Reading
Researches had shown that humor helps to enhance mental and physical health, improve emotional adjustment and increase personal-relationship and many other benefits (Nezlek&Derks, 2001; Morreall, 1987; O’ Connell, 196). A humorous comic refers to easy and humor techniques in describing the subject in pictorial format. It can couple with (or without) the text to form a joke and it often covers more than one inappropriate or incongruent picture. Considering the significant benefits of the humor and the lack of concern on the concurrent comprehension process on both the humorous text and picture in the past researches, the purpose of this study aims to explore the reading process of the primary school child in four-formats humorous comics. Thirty two students participated in the study and half of them are boys. Students were asked to circle the laughing points in ten four-formats humorous comics and go through a half-structural-type of interview. In order to understand the effects of age (second and sixth grades) and gender on humorous comics, scores on humor appreciation, laughing points (circling the comics) and humor comprehension (interpretation of humor and funny reasons) were recorded and analyzed. The results of the study indicate that:
First, the humor appreciation between the two age or gender groups was not significantly different from each other but the divergence of scores between text and pictorial appreciation is greater in the younger students.
Second, circling humorous (humor appreciative) points between two ages was significantly different, but not on gender.
Third, there were no significant relationship between humor appreciation and laughing point.
Fourth, interview data supports the quantitative data that laughing points are fundamentally different among two age groups. For example, the funny reasons of the 2nd graders were mainly from the pictures of facial expression or exaggerated the action figures in comics, which leaded the students to circle more on the non-critical frame. In contrast, six graders detected the graphic and text laughing points differently. This study discusses the interpretation in reading comic, the source of humor and funny reason types, comprehension process of how children at different ages understand the humor as well as provides recommendations for future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圖文閱讀
★ 幽默理解
★ 幽默漫畫
★ 幽默欣賞
關鍵字(英) ★ humorous comic
★ humor comprehension
★ humor appreciation
★ text and pictorial reading
論文目次 第一章 緒論……………………….…………………………………………....……1
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………….……………………1
第二節 研究目的與問題……………………………………….…………………4
第三節 名詞釋義……………………………………………………………….…4
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………………..……6
第一節 幽默的定義和理論…………………………………………………..……6
第二節 兒童的幽默發展………………………………………………..…..……13
第三節 性別與幽默之相關………………………………………………………20
第四節 圖文閱讀與幽默………………………………………………..…..……24
第一節 研究目的…………………………………………………………………29
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………………………29
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………………………30
第四節 研究流程…………………………………………………………………30
第五節 資料處理與分析…………………………………………………………33
第一節 兒童對幽默漫畫欣賞程度的分析…………………..…………..………35
第二節 兒童對幽默漫畫圈選幽默點的分析………..……………………..……37
第三節 不同幽默理解點兒童對幽默漫畫的詮釋與好笑理由…………………41
第二節 建議……………………………………………..…………………..……61
附錄一 幽默漫畫評選測驗…………………………...…………………….....……68
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指導教授 柯華葳(Hwa-wei Ko) 審核日期 2012-8-9
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