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姓名 吳佩珊(Pei-shan Ng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 歷史研究所
論文名稱 英殖民政府對吉隆坡華人事務管理──從自治至法治的轉變(1868-1914)
(The Governance of British Colonial Government Towards Chinese in Kuala Lumpur and its Chinese Affairs:The Change from Self-governance to the Rule of Law (1868-1914))
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摘要(中) 19世紀中葉,因應馬來亞對錫礦產業和種植業發展,大量華工進入馬來亞尋找就業機會。他們來到馬來亞後並未融入其他族群,而是依照原有文化、習慣,在異地開展新生活。當大量群眾聚集,既需要相應的領導、管理模式,因此,華人在馬來亞組成自治社會,按照自己的方式進行管理。吉隆坡甲必丹是華人領導,而秘密會社是領導組織。由於甲必丹身兼秘密會社首領身份,兩者的結合形成穩固的權力結構。英殖民政府在雪蘭莪州推行參政司制度後,華人還是延續使用自治模式。英殖民政府即以任命甲必丹管理華人實行間接統治。後因華人社會問題層出,如僱傭權益遭侵占、華工吸食鴉片、婦女遭拐賣,以及秘密會社製造騷亂,引起英殖民政府關注。英殖民政府乃改以直接統治,即頒布法令以及透過法庭解決各項華人問題。華民護衛官被任命執行相關法令,也作為與華人間的溝通橋樑。此一頒布法令以及透過法庭實施治理之方式,表示華人社會從自治轉變至法治,也反應英國對華人的治理方式從間接變為直接。在上述框架之下,本文擬以吉隆坡華人作為研究對象,探討1868年至1914年,華人從自治社會至法治社會的轉變,以及在此期間,英殖民政府如何管理華人。
摘要(英) In the middle of the 19th century, in response to the development of the mining and plantation industry in Malaya, a great number of Chinese labourers migrated to Malaya in search of working opportunity. They didn’t integrate into other races in Malaya, but maintained their own cultures, customs when they started their new life in Malaya. When the masses congregated corresponding leadership and administration was needed. Therefore, the Chinese in Malaya formed a self-governing society, which means they ruled in their own way. The Capitan in Kuala Lumpur was the Chinese leader, and the secret society was the ruling organization. The Capitan was also the leader of secret society, thus, the combination of the two identities constituted a solid power structure. Although the British colonial government implemented the residential system, they implemented indirect rule for the Chinese by appointing the Capitan to govern the Chinese. The social problems of Chinese, for instance, arguments of interest between the employers and employees, consumption of opium by Chinese labourers, abduction of women, and the affrays of the secret society caught the attention of British colonial government. Consequently, the British colonial government changed its policy to direct rule and passed a law that required problems to be solved by decisions of the court. The Chinese protector was appointed to enforce the law, and formed the bridge of communication between the Chinese and British as well. The laws that were passed and the solving problem through decisions of the court indicated the change from self-governance to the rule of law. In other words, the ruling policy of the Chinese had changed from indirect rule to direct rule. Based on the framework above, the Chinese in Kuala Lumpur were made the subject matter for the study of the effects of changing from self-governance to the rule of law. In addition, the way the British colonial government governed the Chinese was also taken into consideration.
關鍵字(中) ★ 華人
★ 自治
★ 法治
★ 華民護衛官
★ 英殖民政府
關鍵字(英) ★ British colonial government
★ Chinese
★ self-governing
論文目次 緒論 1
第一章、華人的自治模式 14
第一節、華人移民與聚落的形成 16
第二節、甲必丹的形成與功能 22
第三節、秘密會社的形成與功能 30
第二章、華人與其社會問題 41
第一節、華工移民與鴉片 41
第二節、婦女與幼童 53
第三節、秘密會社 58
第四節、華民護衛司署的設立 61
第三章、英政府的法治管理 66
第一節、勞工與鴉片管治 66
第二節、婦幼保護 75
第三節、秘密會社管治 82
結論 90
徵引書目 99
附錄1 107
表1:1910至1920年馬來聯邦華人與歐洲人錫礦總產量與百分比 19
表2:吉隆坡華人各籍貫人口百分比(1891-1921) 21
表3:吉隆坡義興公司首領名稱與籍貫 34
表4:雪蘭莪州海山公司首領名稱與籍貫 34
表5:1887-1914年進入與離開雪蘭莪州華人人口 42
表6:勞工法令演變 71
表7:婦女保護法令演變 80
表8:社團與驅逐法令演變 86
照片1:葉亞來 110
照片2:葉致英 110
照片3:葉觀盛 111
照片4:吉隆坡廣肇會館暨關帝廟 111
照片5:吉隆坡仙四師爺廟 112
參考文獻 (一)外文
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指導教授 陳鴻瑜、齊茂吉
(Hurng-yu Chen、Mao-chi Chi)
審核日期 2012-6-19
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