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賈之誼(Chi-hi Chia)
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土木工程學系 |
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土壤工程性質水平方向空間變異性探討-以標準貫入試驗N值為例 (The Horizontal Spatial Variability of Standard Penetration Test N Values)
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摘要(中) |
(1) 以163鑽孔進行分析,求取自相關函數與關聯性長度,擬合程度最高的為Single exponential。
(2) 隨著提取鑽孔之增加,關聯性長度之平均值與標準差亦隨之增加。
(3) 細粒料含量之關聯性長度遠長於以SPT-N值求得之結果,表示其水平空間變異性較不顯著。
摘要(英) |
In terms of design in geotechnical engineering, the most common concept is to employ the notion of “Factor of Safety”. However, using a mere factor of safety also means the ignorance of variability of the parameters that may affect the results of analysis, If the geotechnical parameters are pretty uniform and do not vary much, then the employment of factor of safety may yield acceptable (and reliable) results.
In this study, the horizontal variability of standard penetration test N values (SPT-N) is discussed through the concept of autocorrelation function and correlation length (or scale of fluctuation, SOF). The autocorrelation function describes how the parameters in two locations are related in terms of their relative distance. In addition, the derivation of correlation length can be obtained from autocorrelation function, and this means that beyond this correlation length, the parameters in two locations separated by this distance are most unlikely related. The main purpose of this study is to obtain the autocorrelation function and correlation length based on 163 boring logs from a site with mostly sandy-silty type of material. Afterwards, in order to know how the lack of partial boring logs can affect the autocorrelation function and correlation length, 10 to 80 boring logs were extracted from the 163 soil borings and remaining borings logs were analyzed again to obtain the spatial function.
The main findings are as following:
(1) Total of 163 soil boring logs are paired and grouped to obtain the autocorrelation function and corresponding correlation length. It was found that the best fit of function is single exponential function.
(2) When less soil borings are extracted from existing 163 boring logs, it was found that as the number of boring logs are less, the longer the average and standard deviation of correlation length.
(3) It was found that the stabilized correlation length of the SPT-N value is much less than that of the fine contents. This means that the horizontal spatial variability is less significant across the construction site.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 空間變異性 ★ 關聯性長度 ★ 自相關函數 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ spatial variability ★ scale of fluctuation ★ autocorrelation function |
論文目次 |
摘要 I
目次 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 論文內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 可靠度分析在大地工程之應用 3
2.1.1 泰勒展開式 4
2.1.2 點估計法 6
2.1.3 蒙地卡羅模擬 7
2.2 以自相關係數描述土壤參數 8
2.2.1 常用假設模型 10
2.2.2 參數推定方法 12
2.2.3 契合程度檢核 13
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 研究假設 16
3.2 研究流程 16
3.2.1 整理鑽孔資訊 17
3.2.2 計算並整理鑽孔間距與參數 17
3.2.3 決定組距 19
3.2.4 整理各組之資訊 20
3.2.5 檢查分組是否適當 20
3.2.6 推估其關聯性長度 20
3.3 KRIGING 22
3.4 場址介紹 25
3.4.1 荖濃溪流域 25
3.4.2 科威特某基地 27
3.4.3 資料點選用說明 31
3.5 取點方式比較 31
3.5.1 不同取點方式之參數分布 31
3.5.2 不同取點區間之影響 35
3.6 參數排序對相關係數之影響 40
第四章 研究結果 43
4.1 各模型之關聯性長度 43
4.2 不同地區之關聯性長度 46
4.2.1 科威特地區 46
4.2.2 荖濃溪流域 49
4.3 抽離部分資料點後之關聯性長度 50
4.3.1 抽離原則 50
4.3.2 抽離分布檢核方法 51
4.3.3 鑽孔數對關聯性長度之影響 56
4.3.4 抽樣分布與關聯性長度關係 60
4.4 相關係數趨於穩定之距離 62
4.5 以LOG法驗證相關性 63
第五章 結果討論 65
5.1 不同區域間之關聯性長度比較 65
5.1.1 荖濃溪流域與高美大橋鄰近區域之比較 65
5.2 不同資料點數之比較 66
5.2.1 不同資料點數下之關聯性長度變化 66
5.2.2 互補鑽孔之相關性 67
5.3 不同參數之比較 68
5.3.1 不同參數之分布狀況 68
5.3.2 不同參數相關係數趨於穩定之距離 69
5.3.3 科威特某基地192鑽孔抽離不同鑽孔數之關聯性長度變化 70
第六章 結論與建議 73
6.1 結論 73
6.2 建議 74
參考文獻 75
附錄 76
參考文獻 |
1. Duncan, J.M. (2000) Factors of safety and reliability in geotechnical engineering, Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp 307-316.
2. Fenton, G. A. and Griffiths, D. V. (2008) Risk Assessment in Geotechnical Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
3. Harr, M. E. (1987) Reliability-based design in Civil Engineering: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
4. Phoon, K.K., Quek, S.T., and An, P. (2003) Identification of Statistically Homogeneous Soil Layers Using Modified Bartlett Statistics, Journal of Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 129:7, pp. 649-659.
5. Fugro Consultants, Inc, “Phase 1 – Geotechnical Study New Refinery Project – EPC1 ~ EPC5”, March 2009.
6. 皇寓營造工程股份有限公司,「台22線里嶺大橋A1-P24間橋梁改建工程地質探查報告」,90年11月。
7. 品建工程顧問有限公司,「台27線25+0.15大津橋(六龜鄉至高樹鄉)改建委託設計(含測量及地質探查)工作-地質探查報告書」,93年10月。
8. 財團法人中華顧問工程司,「台27甲線六龜大橋橋梁改建工程委託設計(含測量)工作-新增地質探查工作報告」,95年3月。
9. 萬鼎工程服務股份有限公司,「181線16+166高美大橋橋梁改建委託設計(含測量及地質探查)工作-地質鑽探工程報告」,99年3月。
指導教授 |
黃文昭(Wen-Chao Huang)
審核日期 |
2012-8-28 |
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