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姓名 斐歐琳(Fiolenta Marpaung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 以MODIS衛星影像的都市熱能分析檢驗印尼雅加達地區的都市熱島現象
(Urban Thermal Analysis of MODIS Images for Examining Heat Island Effects in Jakarta, Indonesia)
★ 多時期衛星影像之自動化監督性分類★ 大範圍地區土地使用分類之研究
★ 高解析力衛星影像控制點座標之自動化萃取★ 影像最佳類別數目之研究
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★ 結合影像區塊及知識庫分類之研究-以IKONOS衛星影像為例★ 遙控飛機空載視訊影像自動化鑲嵌方法之研究
★ 影像分割技術於高解析衛星影像分類之應用★ 小波多層次解析之影像融合應用
★ 線性複合模式應用於變遷偵測之研究★ 改良式變異向量分析法於變遷偵測之探討
★ 區塊分割變遷偵測法於多時期衛星影像之應用★ 資料挖掘技術應用於外來入侵植物研究 (以恆春地區銀合歡為例)
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摘要(中) 都市熱島現象是因為都市內土地使用與人口密度非預期的發展變化所產生熱區效應。這是一個強烈惡化的環境議題,特別是熱帶區域的城市,如印尼的雅加達。雅加達是亞洲當今快速發展的十大巨型城市之一。從2000到2010年間,這個區域每年有著約1.4%的人口增加率,由人口增加邀躍而新闢道路、建物以及其他類型的人造建物,反映著都市中心的成長與擴張,並且也造成自然地表與地景的破壞。
摘要(英) The urban heat island phenomenon is a warmest condition in the city area due to unexpected changing of land cover and population density. It is the most growing environmental problems in urban areas especially in tropical cities, such as in Jakarta, Indonesia. Jakarta is one of the top ten megacities in Asia that has rapidly growing nowadays. With the growth rate of population is about 1.4% per year from 2000 to 2010, indicates the increasing growth and expansion of our urban centers which entail the construction of new roads, buildings, and other various human made structures to accommodate the growing population, and in turn, the destruction of the natural ground cover and landscape.
This study explores spatial investigation of urban heat island effects of Jakarta, Indonesia in dry season (June – August) from 2006 - 2009. The spatial investigations are analysis of Land Surface Temperature (LST) and minimum air temperatures, estimation air temperature with LST-NDVI (Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index) correlation and determination of hot-cold object fraction images.
The investigations show that there was urban heat island effects occurred in Jakarta for dry season in 2006 – 2009. The analysis of LST and minimum air temperature in Jakarta indicate that urban area of Jakarta had higher land surface temperature and higher minimum air temperature than in rural area outside of Jakarta. The minimum air temperature can be used to fill the gaps of the satellite-based LST. The estimation of air temperature using LST-NDVI correlation also indicates the higher air temperature had occurred in urban area of Jakarta than in rural area outside of Jakarta. The higher hot objects fraction images were also occurred in urban area of Jakarta than in rural area outside of Jakarta. The hot objects displayed a more significant role in influencing LST patterns.
關鍵字(中) ★ 都市熱島
★ 地表溫度
★ 最低氣溫
★ 差異植生指數
★ 熱-冷物件
關鍵字(英) ★ and Hot-Cold Objects
★ Minimum Air Temperature
★ Urban Heat Island
1.1. Background - 1 -
1.2. Objectives - 3 –
2.1. The Urban Heat Island (UHI) - 4 -
2.1.1. Definition - 4 -
2.1.2. Types of Urban Heat Island - 4 -
2.1.3. The Urban Heat Island Characteristics - 6 -
2.1.4. The Urban Heat Island Formation and Controls - 7 -
2.2. Brief Description of Remote Sensing - 10 -
2.2.1. Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature - 11 -
2.2.2. Land Surface Temperature Sensor - 12 -
2.3. Review of Urban Heat Island Research based on Urban Climatology and Environmental Change Issues - 16 -
3.1. Description of Study Area - 19 -
3.1.1. General Information of Indonesia - 19 -
3.1.2. Geography of Jakarta - 21 -
3.1.3. Climatology of Jakarta - 23 -
3.1.4. Demographic of Jakarta - 25 -
3.2. Data Set Collection - 27 -
3.2.1. Meteorological data - 28 -
3.2.2. Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity - 28 -
3.2.3. Vegetation Index – NDVI - 29 -
4.1. Image Pre-processing - 32 -
4.2. Air Temperature - 32 -
4.2.1. Analysis of Air Temperature Using MODIS data and Meteorological Data Observation - 32 -
4.2.2. Temperature – Normalized Vegetation Difference Index - 36 -
4.3. Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis - 38 -
4.4. Extraction of Thermal Features with Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis - 39 -
4.5. Relationships between Land Surface Temperature and Thermal Features - 41 -
5.1. Analysis Air Temperature in Jakarta and Surroundings - 44 -
5.1.1. Analysis of Temperature Using MODIS and AWS Data - 44 -
5.1.2. Analysis of Temperature-Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - 50 -
5.2. Analysis of Thermal Features in Jakarta and Surroundings - 58 –
6.1. Conclusion - 62 -
6.2. Recommendation - 63 -
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指導教授 陳繼藩(Chi-Farn Chen) 審核日期 2012-7-11
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