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姓名 黃英(Hoang Anh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 Resuspension of bottom sediment on Inner shelf - A case study of North-western coast of Taiwan
(Resuspension of bottom sediment on Inner shelf - A case study of North-western coast of Taiwan)
★ 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究★ 近岸海洋波浪對海面粗糙度之影響
★ 濁水溪河口懸浮沉積物輸送之調查研究★ 低掠角微波雷達海面背向散射強度受波浪影響程度之探討
★ 澎湖海域潮流之數值模擬及其發電潛能評估★ 台灣沿海表面風之週期特性
★ 微波雷達與CCD影像分析於潮間帶地形測量之應用★ The directional spreading of surface wave in the shallow water zone
★ 平緩海灘表層含水量變化特性研究★ Development of S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement
★ 內陸棚及河口混合與擴散特性觀測研究★ 臺灣海峽海洋塑料垃圾的輸運
★ 有限項目的連續水質監測 應用於探討觀新藻礁區水體環境即時變化★ 海岸帶地區海表拖曳係數與海表粗糙度(均方傾度)之相依關係
★ 應用微波雷達監測海流之演算法流程改善★ 微型資料浮標觀測波浪及MSS的比對分析與演算流程的改善
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摘要(中) Factors that affect the resuspension of bottom sediment in the coastal zone of North-western coast of Taiwan were investigated. Field observations using ADCPs were carried out in 3 durations (Jan 14th – Feb 01st 2011; May 26th – June 21st 2011; and Feb 21st – April 13th 2012) to collect wave and current data. Besides, wind was recorded from anemometer equipped on the flux tower; hydrological data were recorded from CTD. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) near bottom is estimated using ADCP echo intensity. SSC and current are decomposed into several components to elaborate the impact of currents components to SSC.
The temporal variation of SSC is decomposed into several Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) using Empirical Mode Decompositon (EMD). All the low-frequency IMFs are composed and referred as long-term SSC while all the high-frequency IMFs are composed and referred as short-term SSC. Observed current is decomposed into tidal current and non-tidal current using Harmonic Analysis. Stokes drift which represents for wave-induced current were estimated using Lentz’s formula or Ardhuin’s formula. Results from Ardhuin’s formula are adopted for following analysis. The non-Stokes residual current is then regarded as induced by wind.
Inter-comparisons of the decomposed SSCs with tidal currents, wave-induced currents, non-Stokes residual currents were made. A high correlation is found between long-term SSC and wave while short-term SSC and tidal current are also in a good agreement. It is noted that, a semi-diurnal oscillation of water density is identified synchronized with the enhancement of SSC. These oscillations might owe to the fluctuation of river plume or the internal wave. During the rainfall, the sediment discharge from the creeks might be considerable. The fluctuation of fluvial water due to strong tide would induce the oscillation of water density at one fixed location. In the other hand, this water density oscillation is likely the internal wave oscillation which is quite possible in the inner shelf. So internal wave might also contribute to the resuspension but evidences of internal wave are weak. More observation is needed for further study to consolidate the presence of internal wave in this coastal region.
摘要(英) Factors that affect the resuspension of bottom sediment in the coastal zone of North-western coast of Taiwan were investigated. Field observations using ADCPs were carried out in 3 durations (Jan 14th – Feb 01st 2011; May 26th – June 21st 2011; and Feb 21st – April 13th 2012) to collect wave and current data. Besides, wind was recorded from anemometer equipped on the flux tower; hydrological data were recorded from CTD. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) near bottom is estimated using ADCP echo intensity. SSC and current are decomposed into several components to elaborate the impact of currents components to SSC.
The temporal variation of SSC is decomposed into several Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) using Empirical Mode Decompositon (EMD). All the low-frequency IMFs are composed and referred as long-term SSC while all the high-frequency IMFs are composed and referred as short-term SSC. Observed current is decomposed into tidal current and non-tidal current using Harmonic Analysis. Stokes drift which represents for wave-induced current were estimated using Lentz’s formula or Ardhuin’s formula. Results from Ardhuin’s formula are adopted for following analysis. The non-Stokes residual current is then regarded as induced by wind.
Inter-comparisons of the decomposed SSCs with tidal currents, wave-induced currents, non-Stokes residual currents were made. A high correlation is found between long-term SSC and wave while short-term SSC and tidal current are also in a good agreement. It is noted that, a semi-diurnal oscillation of water density is identified synchronized with the enhancement of SSC. These oscillations might owe to the fluctuation of river plume or the internal wave. During the rainfall, the sediment discharge from the creeks might be considerable. The fluctuation of fluvial water due to strong tide would induce the oscillation of water density at one fixed location. In the other hand, this water density oscillation is likely the internal wave oscillation which is quite possible in the inner shelf. So internal wave might also contribute to the resuspension but evidences of internal wave are weak. More observation is needed for further study to consolidate the presence of internal wave in this coastal region.
關鍵字(中) ★ Suspended sediment concentration
★ EMD method
★ Stokes drift.
關鍵字(英) ★ Suspended sediment concentration
★ EMD method
★ Stokes drift.
論文目次 Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of figures vi
List of tables ix
List of symbols x
Chapter I – Introduction 1
Chapter II – Literature review 4
2.1 Factors controlling suspended sediment 4
2.2 Internal waves effect on resuspension 7
2.3 Research purpose 8
Chapter III – Data acquisition and pre-processes 10
3.1 Currents and wave 10
3.2 Wind 14
3.3 Suspended sediment concentration 16
Chapter IV – Approach Methods and Results 19
4.1 Suspended sediment concentration Decomposition Method 19
4.1.1 Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) Method 19
4.1.2 Suspended sediment concentration Decomposition result 20
4.2 Detide using Harmonic Analysis 21
4.2.1 Harmonic Analysis and error discussion 21
4.2.2 Residual current 41
4.3 Wave-induced current 41
4.3.1 Presence of wave-induced current 41
4.3.2 Estimations of Stokes drift 43
4.4 Rationality 49
Chapter V – Discussion 54
5.1 Wave and currents effects on suspended sediment concentration 54
5.2 Other effects on suspended sediment concentration 57
Chapter VI – Conclusions 62
References 64
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指導教授 錢樺(Hwa Chien) 審核日期 2012-8-29
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