博碩士論文 992206056 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳日康(Jih-Kang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 純相位式電腦全像術及全像光鉗在桿狀粒子旋轉控制之研究
★ 成像面圓盤型複合全像術研究★ 成像面圓錐型複合全像之特性分析
★ 子波列轉換在光學圖形識別的應用★ 可環繞觀賞之成像面圓盤型複合全像術
★ 成像面圓盤型全像複製品之影像模糊分析★ 成像面圓盤型複合全像術之虛實像設計
★ 可環繞觀賞之傳統圓盤型複合全像片★ 反射式圓盤型複合全像術
★ 圓盤全像複製品之點擴散函數分析★ 利用DiscT@2製作電腦全像片之研究
★ 擴展垂直視角之反射式圓盤型複合全像術★ 利用液晶顯示器之Fresnel電腦全像術
★ 全彩反射式圓盤型複合全像術之視窗設計與數值模擬★ 全彩展示之反射式圓盤型複合全像術
★ 產生實像之成像面圓盤型複合全像片製作與複製研究★ 反射式成像面凹面圓柱型複合全像術
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摘要(中) 電腦全像片最早起源於1966年由B. R. Brown及A. W. Lohmann提出的軌跡相位法(Detour Phase),電腦全像片乃利用電腦計算模擬全像片上的資訊分佈,最後再利用繞射光學元件(DOE)或半導體製程來儲存此資訊分佈。
摘要(英) The first computer-generated hologram (CGH) - detour phase method was introduced by Brown and Lohmann’s in 1966. Computer calculation is used to simulate the distribution of information on a hologram, and then the diffractive optical elements (DOE) or semiconductor manufacture are used to store and reconstruct.
In this thesis, we begin by discussing the principles of constructing computer-generated phase holograms, based on use of the Fresnel diffraction theory, to obtain the relationship between the hologram plane and the reconstruction plane, and then explore the methods of reconstructing multiple planes from a single hologram. We next employ the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm to calculate the distribution of the information on the hologram and make the phase-only CGH. After that, we measure the phase properties of the liquid-crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) to obtain the “phase-gray” curve, use this result to encode the phase-only CGH, and enter it into an LC-SLM to conduct experimentation on optical reconstruction.
In the conclusion, we examine the principles of laser tweezers, and apply the laser-tweezer technique in conjunction with the CGH LC-SLM technique to improve the applicability of optical tweezers in creating real-time and dynamic 3D holographic optical tweezers. We follow by again using holographic optical tweezers for 3D shift control of the spherical particles. Finally, we use an optical tweezer array to trap columnar particles with a long axis of approximately 5~8μm, as a means of effecting rotation in two different directions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電腦全像
★ 全像光鉗
★ 桿狀粒子旋轉
關鍵字(英) ★ holography optical tweezers
★ computer-generated holograms
論文目次 摘要........................................................................................ i
Abstract................................................................................. ii
致謝................................................................................. iii
目錄................................................................................. iv
圖目錄........................................................................................................... viii
表目錄................................................................................. xi
第一章 導論..................................................................................................... 1
1.1. 前言............................................................................................. 1
1.2. 論文內容安排............................................................................. 2
第二章 相位式電腦全像片原理與演算法..................................................... 3
2.1. 電腦全像術基本原理................................................................. 4
2.2. 單平面 Gerchberg-Saxton演算法則......................................... 6
2.2.1 原理................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 編寫流程....................................................................... 10
2.3. 多平面 Gerchberg-Saxton演算法則........................................ 13
2.3.1 原理............................................................................... 13
2.3.2 編寫流程....................................................................... 17
第三章 液晶式空間光學調製器原理與相位特性量測............................... 22
3.1 LC-SLM工作原理.................................................................... 23
3.1.1 LCD結構組成.............................................................. 23
3.1.2 TN-LCD工作原理....................................................... 25
3.1.3 ECB-LCD工作原理..................................................... 29
3.2 LC-SLM儀器介紹.................................................................... 31
3.3 LC-SLM相位特性量測............................................................ 35
3.3.1 LC-2002相位特性量測................................................ 35
3.3.2 LC-R2500相位特性量測............................................. 38
3.3.3 PLUTO相位特性量測................................................. 41
第四章 使用LC-SLM建立相位式電腦全像片的光學重建結果................ 43
4.1 光學重建架構........................................................................... 43
4.1.1 以LC2002重建目標圖形之系統架構....................... 43
4.1.2 以LC-R2500重建目標圖形之系統架構..................... 44
4.1.3 以PLUTO重建目標圖形之系統架構......................... 45
4.2 One-Plane相位式電腦全像片光學重建結果.......................... 45
4.2.1 以LC-2002重建目標圖形之光學重建結果............... 45
4.2.2 以LC-R2500重建目標圖形之光學重建結果............. 47
4.2.3 以PLUTO重建目標圖形之光學重建結果................. 48
4.3 Multi-Plane相位式電腦全像片光學重建結果........................ 49
4.3.1 以LC-2002重建目標圖形之光學重建結果............... 49
4.3.2 以LC-R2500重建目標圖形之光學重建結果............. 53
4.3.3 以PLUTO重建目標圖形之光學重建結果................. 61
第五章 電腦全像光鉗之應用....................................................................... 75
5.1 傳統雷射光鉗原理及架構....................................................... 76
5.1.1 原理............................................................................... 76
5.1.2 一般雷射光鉗基本架設............................................... 81
5.2 電腦全像光鉗方式與應用....................................................... 82
第六章 電腦全像光鉗實驗結果................................................................... 87
6.1 實驗架構與儀器介紹............................................................... 87
6.2 在焦平面上鉗住多點並移動的實驗結果............................... 89
6.3 令粒子在Z軸方向移動的實驗結果........................................ 91
6.4 以全像光鉗令柱狀Sample轉動的實驗結果.......................... 92
6.4.1 長軸從y-z平面推至x-y平面...................................... 94
6.4.2 長軸在x-y平面旋轉.................................................... 98
6.4.3 長軸在y-z平面旋轉180°........................................... 99
第七章 結論與未來展望............................................................................. 102
7.1. 結論......................................................................................... 102
7.2. 未來展望................................................................................ 103
參考文獻....................................................................................................... 104
附錄A............................................................................................................ 106
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指導教授 陳慧琪、鄭益祥
(Hui-Chi Chen、Yih-Shyang Cheng)
審核日期 2012-7-16
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