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姓名 陳品汝(Pin-Ju Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 LED燈泡之二次光學透鏡設計
(Optical Lens Design for LED Bulb Light)
★ 腦電波傅利葉特徵頻譜之研究★ 光電星雲生物晶片之製作
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★ 腦電波量測與應用★ Fresnel lens應用之量測
★ 線型光學式三角量測系統與應用★ 非接觸式電場感應系統
★ 應用田口法開發LED燈具設計★ 巴金森氏症雷射線三角量測系統
★ 以Sol-Gel法製備高濃度TiO2用於染料敏化太陽能電池光電極之特性研究★ 生產線上之影像量測系統
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摘要(中) 本論文主旨在探討發光二極體(LED)與光學透鏡(Optical Lens)之
效果符合美國Energy Star的規範[1]。本論文一開始會先介紹固態照明
摘要(英) The topic of thesis is combining LED with secondary optical
lens together, then apply them to indoor lighting. We use
secondary optical lens for advancing the quality in lighting, and
attain both omni-directional lighting and uniform lighting.
Firstly, we combine a LED with mechanical equipment for composing
a lighting element. Secondary, we decide the size of secondary
optical lens, and the effect of secondary optical lens is
adjusting the Lambertian lighting shape of Led. Finally, we
combine a LED, secondary optical lens with mechanical equipment
for composing a complete LED bulb which can meet the Energy star
rule[1]. In the beginning of the article, we introduce the
background of solid lighting, then describe some basic principles
of optical design. After that, we will explain the method for
designing and modeling secondary optical lens. Finally, we use
an optical software, TracePro, for checking the lighting shape
in the far-field. This is a complete process of optical design.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光學設計 關鍵字(英) ★ Optical Design
論文目次 摘要.......................................................Ⅰ
誌謝 ......................................................Ⅲ
貢獻 ..................................................... IⅤ
目錄 ......................................................Ⅴ
第一章 導論.................................................1
1.1 研究動機................................................1
1.2 研究範圍................................................3
第二章 光學設計理論.........................................4
2.1 基本原理........................................ ...........4
2.1.1 反射定律............................................4
2.1.2 折射定律............................................5
2.2 etendue簡介.............................................6
2.2.1 etendue定義.........................................7
2.2.2 etendue計算.........................................10
2.2.3 etendue意義.........................................11
第三章 LED燈泡的二次光學透鏡之設計與分析..................14
3.1 LED燈泡之規格簡介.....................................14
3.2 LED燈泡之二次光學透鏡設計方式.........................16
3.2.1 選擇光源...........................................19
3.2.2 LED燈泡之基礎機構模型 .............................20
3.2.3 光學模型之設計與建立...............................23
第四章 LED燈泡之模擬結果與討論.. .........................29
4.1 遠場之光形分析以及成像效果分析........................29
4.2 加上霧化泡殼之模擬結果分析............................34
4.3 整體結果討論..................... .....................36
第五章 未來展望...........................................38
參考文獻 [1] http://www.energystar.gov/
[3]E.Hecht,Optics,4th ed. Addison Wesley, New York, (2002).
[4]V.N.Mahajan,Optical Imaging and Aberrations,Part I Ray
Geometrical Optics,SPIE PRESS,Washington,(1998).
[5] http://www.energystar.gov/
[6] http://www.cree.com/products/pdf/XLampMTG-EZW.pdf
[7]V. N. Mahajan, Optical Imaging and Aberrations, Part I Ray
Geometrical Optics, SPIE PRESS, Washington, (1998).
[8] E. Stupp and M. Brennesholtz, Projection Displays, John
Wiley&Sons, New York, (1999)
指導教授 張榮森(Rong -Seng Chang) 審核日期 2012-7-30
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