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姓名 王品方(Ping-fang Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 於鬼宿星團中低質量成員星的確認
(Characterization of the Low-Mass Members in the Praesepe Star Cluster)
★ 金牛座分子雲外圍之年輕恆星★ 濃密分子雲核中的紅外源
★ 球狀星團NGC288的運動狀態★ 利用2微米巡天觀測(2MASS)資料庫分析疏散星團之空間結構
★ 中美掩星計畫的光度資料分析★ 薔薇星雲中的X射線源
★ 銀河系球狀星團 M13 之中頻寬 CCD 光度測量及其恆星組成★ 毫米與次毫米波段的大質量恆星形成
★ 中美掩星計劃的掩星偵測和星場選擇★ 晚期恆星之環星物質的結構研究
★ 利用二微米巡天觀測(2MASS)資料以恆星計數方法分析銀盤結構★ 豺狼三分子雲中的年輕星球
★ 塵粒成長對原行星盤能譜分佈演化之作用★ Identification of Herbig Ae/Be Starsin Open Clusters
★ OB星協裡的中低質量星球的形成★ 船底座星雲之多波段研究
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摘要(中) 成員星的挑選是決定星團特質的關鍵第一步,特別是低質量成員星可以用來回溯星團動力學歷史,如:質量分層、恆星逸散與潮汐拉扯,在其所在的星系環境中。我們已經發展出一個方法,藉由光度與動力學的資料來確認星團成員星。這裡,我們展示對於鄰近的(170 pc)鬼宿星團的分析,從2微米巡天觀測 (2MASS) 的光度資料與PPMXL的動力學資料中,發現有758顆候選成員星,其最低質量到0.2太陽質量;利用泛星計畫 (Pan-STARRS1) 的光度資料,甚至可以找到更低質量(< 0.1太陽質量)的成員星,亮度在g波段可以達到22.8等。以往對於鬼宿星團成員星的研究多仰賴亮星的光度與動力學資料,而大多數的暗星只有光度資料。我們是第一個挑選成員星時,同時包含光度與動力學資料,並將候選星的最低質量推至恆星質量的底限;部分在文獻中發現的候選成員星,其動力學上與鬼宿星團的表現不一致,應該被排除在成員星名單外;質量分層在這個中年齡的星團中清楚地被證實。
摘要(英) Membership identi cation is the critical rst step to determine the properties of a star cluster. Low-mass members in particular could be used to trace the dynamical history | mass segregation, stellar evaporation, tidal stripping of a star cluster in its Galactic environment. We have initiated a program to identify members in star clusters by photometric and kinematic data sets. Here we show our analysis of the nearby (distance of 170 pc) Praesepe cluster (M 44), by using the 2MASS photometry and the PPMXL proper motions, from which a total of 758 member candidates have been identi ed down to a mass limit of 0.2 M . Even lower mass members were found by using Pan-STARRS1 photometry reaching as faint as gP1 = 22.8 mag, corresponding to 0.1 M . Previous studies of Praesepe member candidates relied on photometry and proper motions of bright stars, and mostly photometry only of faint stars. Our work is the first to select membership down to almost the stellar mass end by both photometric and kinematic criteria. Some member candidates found in previous studies have proper motions inconsistent with that of M44, so should be excluded from membership. Mass segregation is clearly evidenced in this mid-aged (900 Myr) cluster.
關鍵字(中) ★ 疏散星團
★ 自行運動
關鍵字(英) ★ proper motion
★ open cluster
論文目次 1 Introduction 1
2 Data and Analysis 6
2.1 Data sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Candidates selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Discussions 15
3.1 New cluster member candidates . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Comparison with di erent isochrones . . . . 17
3.3 The distribution of members . . . . . . . . 19
4 Summary 22
Bibliography 23
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指導教授 陳文屏(Wen-ping Chen) 審核日期 2012-8-28
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