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姓名 宋俊賢(Chun-hsien Sung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 智慧型手機程式開發與實作以國立中央大學地圖導覽為例
(Smart phone application development and implementation: The map guide for National Central University)
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摘要(中) 隨著資訊時代的來臨,再加上電腦及網路發展十分迅速,使得人們在資料的取得與下載更為方便,但功能發展日益完善的智慧型手機或平板電腦等個人資訊化工具,逐漸取代人們以使用PC或NB的習慣,根據統計,目前已經超過1億台智慧型手機與平板電腦搭載Android系統。
因此在Android系統手機上,開發建立區域性導覽系統App,結合GPS和AGPS(Assisted GPS)定位方式,不但用衛星定位,甚至透過網通設備(如通訊基地台)達到準確定位,此導覽系統有以下相關功能:
(1) 顯示景點於地圖上所在位置
(2) 提供景點簡介以及圖片或影像
(3) 根據目前所在位置,計算景點相對距離
摘要(英) With the advent of information age, coupled with the very rapid development of computers and networks, allowing people to obtain information and download more convenient, but the functional development of increasingly sophisticated smart phone or tablet personal computers, information technology tools, and gradually replace people in the habit of using a PC or NB, according to statistics, more than 100 million smart phones and tablet PCs equipped with Android system.
Therefore, on the Android mobile phone system, navigation system, the establishment of regional development App, combines GPS and AGPS (Assisted GPS) positioning, not only with a satellite positioning, even through the network equipment (such as communication base station) to achieve accurate positioning, the navigation system The following related functions:
(1) shows the location of spots on the map
(2) To provide tours as well as pictures or images
(3) According to the current location to calculate the relative distance of attractions
關鍵字(中) ★ 導覽
★ 智慧型手機
★ 地圖
關鍵字(英) ★ smart phone
★ Android
★ map guide
論文目次 中文摘要....I
一、 前言.....................1
1-1 研究背景與動機............1
1-2 研究目的..................3
二、 文獻探討.................4
2-1 智慧型手機的探討..........4
2-2 Android架構和環境探討.....5
2-3 應用程式App的探討.........8
三、 國立中央大學地圖導覽系統.14
3-1 開發環境建置..............14
3-2 系統規劃..................30
3-3 系統架構..................31
3-4 系統開發流程..............36
四、 系統展示.................37
4-1 系統操作流程..............37
4-2 系統實機畫面..............38
4-3 現存系統與其他系統差異....49
五、 結論.....................52
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen Yang) 審核日期 2012-7-18
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