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姓名 李牧勳(Mu-Shun Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 可在設計前段分析動態電壓降的電流波形模型之研究
(Front-End Supply Current Waveform Models for Dynamic IR-Drop Analysis)
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摘要(中) 當超大型積體電路設計演進到奈米時代,功率完整性問題變成限制電路效能的最主要原因之ㄧ。電源線上的電壓降以及同步切換雜訊是兩個影響功率完整性的常見問題。因為這兩種雜訊都跟電源上的電流大小以及變化程度有極大的關係,因此,必須要有準確的電流源波形才能準確的分析電壓源雜訊。
本篇論文提出了一系列可在設計初期估計電壓降分析之電流波形估計方法。對於邏輯閘層級的電路,本論文提出了僅需要標準元件庫資料的分析式電流模型[33] [34],也提出了修正標準元件庫資料的方法來考量電源雜訊的影響[35] [36],以提供更準確的估測結果。對暫存器資料轉移層級的設計,本論文提出了改良式的區塊層級電流模型來提供必要的電流資訊[37] [38]。對於電源雜訊的影響,也提出了修正轉移函數的方式來修正電流波形[38]。如果能將這些估測技術整合進入現今的設計流程之中,設計者便可在設計層級盡量避免電壓降的問題。使得電路設計更加迅速與正確。
摘要(英) As VLSI technology advances into the nanometer era, the power integrity problem is becoming one of the most critical issues that limit design performance. IR-drop and simultaneous switching noise (SSN) are two major power supply noises (PSNs) causing power integrity problems. Because these two noises are highly dependent on the magnitude and slope of supply currents, accurate supply current waveforms are required for precise analysis.
Traditionally, accurate supply current waveforms can only be obtained using the transistor-level circuit simulation. Therefore, in the present design flow, a power integrity check is performed mostly in late design stages. This approach may be impractical for large designs because simulating the entire design at the transistor level requires great computational resources. If a power integrity problem is identified, designers often increase the width of the supply lines or add decoupling capacitors to reduce the IR-drops. However, if the supply current waveforms can be obtained in early design stages, more efficient IR-drop reduction technologies can be used to reduce the power supply noise, such as re-synthesis and power-gating.
In the present design flow, supply current waveforms are not easily obtained in early design stages because of two major reasons. The first reason is the lack of supply voltage information at the front-end design level. All internal voltages are viewed as logic-1 and logic-0 at the RT (Register Transfer)-level. Designers only consider the functional correctness of designs and ignore the IR-drop effects. At the gate level, more information is available, such as the supply voltage and the average power of each standard gate. However, this power information is inadequate in estimating IR-drops because it cannot provide the slope and maximum amplitude of the supply current for IR-drop analysis.
The second reason is the lack of dynamic changes on the power information under different supply noises. In the conventional IR-drop analysis, power girds are modeled as an RLC network, and the switching currents are modeled as simple current sources. These current sources are obtained by simulating switching circuits with ideal supply voltages. However, the supply current waveforms with the supply noises are different, compared to ideal ones. Extra errors may occur if the ideal current waveform is used to estimate the situations under supply noises.
This dissertation proposes several front-end supply current waveform modeling techniques to support the IR-drop at early design stages analysis. For gate-level designs, an analytical current model is proposed [33] [34], which uses standard library information to estimate supply current waveforms. The library adjustment method under supply noises is also proposed [35] [36] for more accurate estimation of real supply noises. For functional-level analysis, an improved macro-level current model is proposed [37] [38] to provide the essential current information. The waveform transformation method also proposed to modify the generated current waveforms to reflect the supply noise effects [38]. If these techniques are integrated in the present design flow, power integrity checks can be performed at early design stages to prevent IR-drop issues.
關鍵字(中) ★ 前段設計
★ 動態電壓降分析
★ 電流模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Front-end current models
★ Dynamic IR-drop analysis
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction …………………………………………………………...- 1 -
1.1 Power Integrity Issue - 1 -
1.2 IR-Drop Analysis - 3 -
1.3 IR-Drop Analysis in VLSI Design Flow - 8 -
1.4 Proposed Front-End Current Waveform Models - 11 -
1.5 Organization of This Dissertation - 14 -
Chapter 2 Gate-Level Supply Current Waveform Estimation - 16 -
2.1 Gate-Level Supply Current Waveform Estimation - 16 -
2.2 Standard Library Information - 18 -
2.3 Supply Current Waveform Estimation Using Standard Library
Information - 20 -
2.3.1 Simple Logic Cells - 21 -
2.3.2 Composite Logic Cells - 26 -
2.3.3 Sequential Elements - 30 -
2.3.4 Multiple Transitions - 39 -
2.4 IR-Drop Aware Library Adjustment Methods - 42 -
2.4.1 Timing and Power Adjustment of Combination Cells - 42 -
2.4.2 Timing and Power Adjustment of Sequential Elements - 46 -
2.4.3 Timing Correction of Cell Switching Activities - 50 -
2.5 Experimental Results - 52 -
2.5.1 Experimental Result of Supply Current Waveform Estimation Method - 52 -
2.5.2 Experimental Result of Library Adjustment Method - 56 -
2.6 Summary - 58 -
Chapter 3 High-Level Current Model of Logic Blocks - 59 -
3.1 DCT-Based Macro-Level Current Waveform Model - 59 -
3.2 Problem of DCT-Based Current Model - 63 -
3.3 Dynamic Levelization Algorithm - 66 -
3.4 Levelized Current Macro Model - 70 -
3.4.1 Training Sets Selection - 71 -
3.4.2 Waveform Characterization - 73 -
3.4.3 Model Construction - 75 -
3.4.4 Waveform Evaluation - 77 -
3.5 Waveform Transformation with IR Drop - 80 -
3.6 Experimental Results - 83 -
3.6.1 Waveform Transformation Method Verification - 84 -
3.6.2 High-Level IR-Drop Analysis - 86 -
3.7 Summary - 92 -
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Work ………………………………………..- 93 -
Reference …………………………………………………………………………- 96 -
Publication List ………………………………………………………………….- 101 -
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指導教授 劉建男(Chien-Nan Jimmy Liu) 審核日期 2012-7-2
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