摘要(英) |
Due to the intense global competition in the 21th century, "people" can be described as the most important and unique internal asset for most organizations. In the past few years, the concept of competency has been widely used in the daily management practices of the many private sectors, the public sector, in contrast, especially our government was lack of using the concept of competency. For this reason, this research chose the largest public sector in our country, the police department, as the main research target, and select the entry level of police officer in Taoyuan county as the research target to explore what competencies should a basic police officer have when he/ she needs to perform well in the daily routine duties. The research method used here is to sum up what “knowledge” and “skills” does a police officer need to have through the collection and analysis of information which is relative to the entry level police officer in our country. Besides, with reference to the literature in recent years about the competency of a basic police officer, this study sorted out 12 competency items which an entry level police officer need to have, and further use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to confirm the relative importance and weight of 12 competency items relative to an entry level police officer. The research results showed that “emotion control” is the most important competency item for an entry level police officer to have in our country, followed by “integrity”, “taking responsibility”, “stress tolerance”, “judgment”, "work management”, “problem solving”, “teamwork”, “Strain capacity”, “empathy”, “good service attitude” and “communication skills”. The results of this study can provide a reference basis for future selection and training of an entry level police officer in our country.
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