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姓名 黨偉恆(Wei-heng Tang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 工業管理研究所 論文名稱 運用學習曲線之經濟生產模型的最佳批量
(Optimal batch size with learning economic production quantity model)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 經濟生產批量模型已經被研究很長一段時間了,而其中一項假設則為在生產過程中生產率為常數。但是,現實中有一種情形為藉由不斷重複生產,生產率會因此增加。這種情況學者稱為學習效果。因此,我們想要知道這種情況是如何運作及如何改善生產率。這些議題變成為了這篇文章中最重要的議題。在這篇文章 中我們探討的重點為傳統的經濟生產批量模型加入了生產的學習曲線。
摘要(英) The economic production quantity (EPQ) model has been developed for a long time. One of the assumptions is that there has a constant production rate. But in real situations, there occurs a situation is that the production rate would increase by repetitive manufactures. This phenomenon called effect of learning. Hence, we want to know how this effect working and how to improve the productivity in this model. These issues become the most important thing here. In this paper we discuss the traditional EPQ model with production learning.
This research’s background is that we manufacture our own products, and we want to make the efficiency profit. The objective of this research is that we want to minimize the total system cost to find the optimal production quantity. Totally we build two environments to discuss them. The first case is that the traditional EPQ model. And the second case we illustrate is that we add the learning curve with the production. Finally, we could observe the relationship between the parameters and our objectives.
關鍵字(中) ★ 學習曲線
★ 經濟生產批量模型關鍵字(英) ★ learning curve
★ Economic production quantity model論文目次 Table of the content
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of the content III
List of tables IV
List of figures V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research Objective 2
1.3 Research Framework 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 Economic Production Quantity model 5
2.2 Learning curve 6
Chapter 3 Model environment and notations 8
3.1 The notations and assumptions 8
3.2 Wright’s learning curve 9
3.3 Inventory model 12
3.3.1 The first case: 12
3.3.2 The second case: 14
Chapter 4 Numerical Analysis 19
4.1 Numerical example 19
4.2 Sensitive analysis 22
Chapter5. Conclusions and future research 25
5.1 Conclusions 25
5.2 Future research 26
Reference 27
參考文獻 Reference
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指導教授 葉英傑(Ying-chieh Yeh) 審核日期 2012-7-25 推文 plurk
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