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姓名 許妙如(Miao-Ju Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 文化創意產業產品策略選擇之影響因素-以國片為例
(The Study for the Impact Factors of Product Strategy Selection in Cultural and Creative Industry - The Case of Domestic Films)
★ 台灣與大陸在ERP專案管理、專案成員向心力與離心力的不同之處★ ERP專案成員離心力與向心力對代理問題之影響
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摘要(中) 文化創意產業包含電影產業,電影產業的內容及範圍係指從事電影片製作、電影片發行、電影片映演,及提供器材、設施、技術以完成電影片製作等行業。電影文化產業是條漫長的道路,猶如跑馬拉松,需要長久的堅持,且電影要有文化的承載,才能在全球化的浪潮中,找到自我定位,進而與世界文化接軌。產品策略是指企業制定經營策略時,首先要明確企業能提供什麼樣的產品和服務去滿足消費者的要求,也就是要解決產品策略問題。企業成功與發展的關鍵在於產品滿足消費者的需求的程度以及產品策略正確與否。電影發行比起一般商品,更充滿了高風險與不確定性。所以本篇論文將探討台灣國片電影產品策略選擇對於電影發行業之影響因素,這些因素將引起消費者進影城觀賞電影,電影發行商因而創造票房佳績。本研究範圍僅以台灣地區發行之國片,以台灣國片首映為主,研究方法係採用分析層級程序法。本研究共計邀請8位學者與專家參與,其研究成果說明如下:
摘要(英) The cultural and creative industries include film industry, refers to the content and scope of the film industry in the production of films, the film’s release, film exhibition, and the provision of equipment, facilities and technology to complete the production of films. Film culture industry is a long way, like running a marathon, you need to adhere to long-term, and the film should be bearers of culture, in the wave of globalization, to find self-positioning, thus integration into the world culture. Product strategy companies develop business strategies, we must first clear that the enterprise can provide what kind of products and services to satisfy the demands of consumers, and to solve product strategy problem. The key to business success and development is to satisfy consumer’s demand and product strategy of correct or not. Film distribution compared to the general merchandise, but also full of high-risk and not uncertainty. This study mainly research on the Taiwanese film’s product strategy selection factors for film distributors, these factors will cause customers go to the cinema, then film distributors will create successful box office.Scope of this study only in Taiwan issued by domestic films, The research method is using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), eight experts to participate. The results of analysis are described as followings :
(1) The target dimensions of a cultural and creative industries policy choice influencing factors can be divided into: the script choice of topic, Cast (Actor)lineup, the mix of merchandise and directing the production and participation. Which script theme select the dimensions of the right to re-value, sort first, the presentation aspects of the Cast (actor) lineup for the second. Director of the production parameters, merchandise mix, respectively the third and fourth.(2)This study in accordance with the overall weight order to retrieve the 10 key factors in the level of the weight part of creative fictional story, followed by the true story is the highest, from 0.095 to 0.374,comic books or original adaptation of the story is third, up to 0.07, manufacturers cross-industry alliance of goods were the lowest, only 0.008.(3)In this study, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process is divided into four dimensions and 18 factors indicators for Taiwan distributors reference in the choice of film product strategy, thereby reducing the risk of failure at the box office, to increase the support of the people for the domestic film industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 分析層級程序法
★ 文化創意產業
★ 產品策略
★ 國片產業
關鍵字(英) ★ the domestic film industry
★ product strategy
★ Cultural and creative industries
論文目次 中文摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究背景 2
1.3 研究範圍與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 文化創意產業相關文獻 5
2.2 台灣電影產業現況 6
2.3 產品策略相關文獻 9
2.4 影響電影產品策略的因素 13
2.5 與主題相關之文獻 17
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 研究架構 18
3.2 AHP分析層級程序法 18
3.3 專家對象 25
3.4 專家問卷設計 26
第四章 研究結果分析 28
4.1 問卷填答對象背景 28
4.2 AHP分析層級程序法之結果探討 28
4.3 填答者背景對指標權重分析結果之比對 34
第五章 研究結論與建議 39
5.1 研究結論 39
5.2 研究建議及未來研究方向 39
參考文獻 40
中文文獻 40
英文文獻 41
網路資料 43
附錄一 問卷 44
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 蔡文賢(Wen-Hsien Tsai) 審核日期 2012-6-30
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