摘要(英) |
This research is a case study which focuses on Ullage Reduction in the manufacturing process of Liquid Crystal by six sigma methodology.
Ullage is the Semi-Finished Goods(SFG)generated along with LC mixture production process. 1568 Kg, 2.6% of the total yield, Ullage was turned out in 2008; total 72.46 Kg of Ullage was scrapped for 2007 and 2008.
Ullage quantity from 2009/12 to 2010/04 was reduced to 0.57%, 78% of Ullage was saved, after the last Ullage improvement item implemented in 2009/11. And 136,806 Euro of financial benefit is expected in 2010.
Six Sigma has been proven both theoretically and practically to be one of the most fundamental method in manufacture process improvement. In this case, the project team improves the manufacturing process through DMAIC stages, and analyzes the critical factors and sources with relevant statistical tools. The methodology here is to experiment on the products quality and Ullage generation in the manufacturing process first, then find the countermeasures via experiment and "pilot run" process.
This study can be referred in 3 areas for six sigma related projects:
Liquid Crystal manufacturer.
Chemicals which produced with the process similar to Liquid Crystal in this study.
Process of "Single" material for Liquid Crystal.
參考文獻 |
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