摘要(英) |
Enterprises would like manage continuously forever for a long time, mission is essential. After make sure your mission, could be launch your strategy policy and goal step by step. Strategy policy and goal must be clear, enterprises could carry on appropriate division of labor and develop practical scheme. Besides supervising from top to bottom, link with the information from bottom to top, help enterprises to modify their strategy plan immediately. So strategy management is an action for conducting above-mentioned function.
But under such conduct, form the unique type of operation of enterprises gradually, we are called the “Business Model”, The business model is in order to implement one of the tools of enterprise’’s strategy, and a workman wants to do his work well, the first must sharpen his tools. The first priority of implementation strategy policy is to select a tool well.
The tools are too many in the literature, how to select a simple, durable and practical tool, and can apply each company is our discussion focal point. Then via the case, let everybody can understand deeply and use it in one’’s own company.
參考文獻 |
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