博碩士論文 994209004 詳細資訊

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姓名 王永超(Yung-chao Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 匯率與本國中間財廠商的直接投資決策
(Exchange Rate and the FDI Strategy of the Domestic Intermediate-good Firm)
★ 存在中間財市場下的跨國廠商進入模式選擇★ 網路外部性下的利潤廠商跟共營廠商競爭分析
★ 寡占市場下的自動進口擴張政策分析★ 寡占廠商成本歧異下之最適產業與貿易政策
★ 雙邊貿易的最適關稅★ 平行輸入、仿冒與服務品質
★ 經濟成長、消費者信心與銀行風險★ 網路外部性與最適民營化政策
★ 經濟整合與關稅政策的福利分析★ 最適民營化政策的相關議題分析
★ 多功能產品跨業效果的經濟分析★ 出口競爭與廠商的直接投資決策 -匯率的考量
★ Drastic or Non-drastic Innovation When Encountering Rivals★ 存在中間財下的仿冒行為分析
★ 外人直接投資與政府的策略性汙染稅★ 垂直市場、技術移轉與外人直接投資
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摘要(中) 本論文考慮一個包含本國中間財廠商、外國最終財廠商,且最終財市場位於第三國的垂直相關市場模型。本國上游廠商可採取出口或到外國直接投資的方式供應外國廠商中間財。我們關心本國幣與外國幣間匯率及外國幣與第三國貨幣間的匯率如何影響本國中間財廠商的出口/直接投資決策。
摘要(英) This dissertation considers a vertical market model, concluding a domestic intermediate good firm, foreign final good firm and the final good market locates at the third country. The upstream firm in home country can choose export or foreign direct investment (FDI) to supply intermediate goods. Our main concern is to distinguish the exchange rates among the three countries how to influent the export / FDI strategy of the domestic firm.
We first consider that the FDI set-up fixed cost completely emerges in the foreign country. Under this situation, when the third country currency depreciates, the intermediate good firm in home country may choose to exit instead of export or FDI; it also let the intermediate good firm may choose export rather than FDI. When facing home currency depreciates, it let the intermediate good firm in home country may choose export instead of FDI; but the firm taking quitting strategy, it may choose export to supply intermediate good, if the firm never enter market. When foreign currency depreciates, causing home and the third currency fluctuate at the same level, it may let intermediate good firm in home country choose exit or export rather FDI; if home currency depreciates higher than the third, intermediate good firm in home country will exit instead of FDI or export; it might also let intermediate good firm in home country choose export rather than FDI; contrarily, if home currency depreciates smaller than the third, intermediate good firm in home country will choose exit or export rather than FDI, and intermediate good firm in home country will take export strategy if they never enter market.
Finally, this dissertation also generalizes the set-up fixed cost. That is the fixed cost containing some proportion coming from home country. At the meantime, the main results don’t change, but when home currency depreciates, except for letting home country choose export instead of FDI, or choose export if they don’t enter market, it might let home country choose FDI rather than export, but if they never enter market, they will choose FDI. When home currency depreciates larger than the third, if their difference is not large, the domestic intermediate good firm will choose export or exit rather than FDI; if they don’t enter market, they’ll choose export; contrarily, if their differences are large enough, it let domestic intermediate good firm may choose export instead of FDI, and intermediate good firm in home country may choose FDI rather than export; intermediate good firm in home country may choose FDI or export if they never enter market at first.
關鍵字(中) ★ 匯率與本國中間財廠商的直接投資決策 關鍵字(英) ★ Exchange Rate and the FDI Strategy of the Domest
論文目次 目錄
摘要 .............................................................................................................................................i
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii
第1 章 緒論 ............................................................................................................................. 1
第2 章 垂直相關市場與中間財廠商的直接投資決策 ......................................................... 6
2.1 出口策略 ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 直接投資策略 .............................................................................................................. 14
2.3 出口與直接投資決策 .................................................................................................. 18
情況1 第三國貨幣片面貶值(e 降低,f 不變) ....................................................... 20
情況2 本國幣片面貶值(f 上升,e 不變) ............................................................... 22
情況3 外國幣片面升值(e 下降,f 上升) ............................................................... 23
2.4 本章小結 ....................................................................................................................... 25
第3 章垂直相關市場與中間財廠商直接投資決策的一般化模型 ................................... 28
3.1 固定設廠成本一般化下的出口/直接投資決策 ......................................................... 30
情況1 第三國貨幣片面貶值(e 降低,f 不變) ....................................................... 33
情況2 本國幣片面貶值(f 上升,e 不變) ............................................................... 34
情況3 外國幣片面升值(e 下降,f 上升) ............................................................... 39
3.3 本章小結 ...................................................................................................................... 41
第4 章結論 ......................................................................................................................... 43
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................................. 46
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指導教授 邱俊榮(Jiunn-Rong Chiou) 審核日期 2012-6-22
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