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姓名 劉信賢(Hsin-Hsien Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 研發測試成本中心導入內部計價系統之研究 ─ 以 A 公司為例
(A Study on Introducing Chargeback System for an R&D Testing Center - The Case of Company A)
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摘要(中) 商用伺服器產品向來以高穩定度、高效能以及易於管理為產品主要訴求,因此伺服器產品的開發必須投入大量的研發設計成本,其中產品功能測試與各項設計的驗證成本占了相當大的一部份。本論文個案中,代工廠的「系統整合測試」部門是整個伺服器產品研發各階段中最末端的專責測試單位之一,其主要的工作任務是執行伺服器各功能的整合測試與壓力測試,產品在完成各項研發測試之後才能正式導入產線進行量產。
摘要(英) Commercial server products are known for high stability, high performance, and easy management. These are the main features that attract customers. Therefore, during sever product development, considerable amount of budget are allocated to research and development (R&D). Much of these R&D budget are allocated to functional testing and design validation test for products. In this study, we focus on a server product ODM/JDP (Joint Development Program) site. The “System Integration Test” (SIT) Department is responsible for all testing task in the entire server product line, during the R&D stages. The main task for SIT is to perform system integration test and stress test for all functionality of sever, in addition to design validation testing. These functional validation test must be completed before a sever product formally enters the mass production stage.
However, the SIT Department in Company A is faced with problems in high cost in testing resources, including manpower, equipment, etc. SIT is a “cost center” within R&D. This results in a phenomenon that testing requirements from related R&D teams are often unchecked and excessive, causing backlogs. As a result, the performance of SIT is difficult to measure and evaluate. Therefore, this study proposes a chargeback system, based on the transfer pricing literature. The proposed chargeback system is divided into three phases. In the first phase, invoice for testing costs are provided to related R&D teams, without actual chargeback. In the second phase, the invoices are charged against negotiated budgets. After the concept of R&D testing costs has been established and recognized, the final phase is to perform the real chargeback with the real budgets of each related R&D teams.
The goal of the chargeback scheme is to reduce the abuse for testing resources, and more accurate estimates of the desired manpower and material resources in the R&D phases. We hope that by implementing the scheme, the server testing costs of R&D projects can be effectively controlled and tracked. A feasibility analysis was also conducted, and the proposed chargeback system is found feasible.
Finally, “transaction cost” is another major issue in implementing the chargeback system. We further propose that an appropriate information system be developed to institutionalize the chargeback scheme. We also anticipate that transparent and open information of chargeback pricing will help to reduce the “information asymmetry” issues arising from implementing the chargeback system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 虛擬計價
★ 研發測試
★ 交易成本
★ 成本中心
★ 移轉訂價
★ 內部計價
關鍵字(英) ★ Paper (Virtual) Chargeback
★ Transfer Pricing
★ R&
★ D Testing
★ Cost Center
★ Transaction Cost
★ Chargeback (Cost Recovery)
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究對象與範圍 2
1.4 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 責任中心制度 4
2.2 內部計價與移轉訂價 9
2.2.1 移轉訂價的模式與方法 10
2.2.2 移轉訂價之目的與原則 12
2.2.3 移轉訂價與資訊不對稱的相關研究 13
2.3 交易成本 14
2.3.1 交易成本之定義 14
2.3.2 交易成本的分類 15
2.3.3 交易的特性 16
2.3.4 交易成本之起因與造成的問題 17
第三章 個案單位介紹與問題分析 20
3.1 個案公司介紹 20
3.1.1 個案公司簡介 20
3.1.2 個案公司營運組織 20
3.1.3 個案公司主要產品 22
3.1.4 個案公司的發展方向與願景 25
3.2 伺服器產業概況 26
3.2.1 基本架構分類與目前產值 26
3.2.2 台灣伺服器代工廠的發展方向 29
3.3 研究個案部門單位介紹 31
3.4 研發測試需求單位與關係描述 35
3.4.1 研發部門之測試需求分類 36
3.4.2 來自原廠專責測試單位的測試需求 37
3.4.3 產品替代料導入與設計變更的測試需求 37
3.4.4 各研發專案之間的交叉驗證需求 38
3.4.5 專案時程延宕所增加的測試需求 39
3.4.6 軟、韌體版本更新的測試需求 39
3.4.7 軟體開發部門的測試需求 40
3.5 問題分析 40
3.5.1 測試機台與資源取得問題 41
3.5.2 測試資源的分配問題 42
3.5.3 測試成本被忽視 42
3.5.4 測試資源被濫用 43
3.5.5 測試時程的安排問題 43
3.5.6 研發測試單位績效難以呈現 44
第四章 解決方案規劃及效益分析 45
4.1 內部計價系統之導入模式規劃 45
4.1.1 階段一:虛擬計價 ─ 單方的服務收據開立 46
4.1.2 階段二:虛擬計價 ─ 紙上預算之計價交易 46
4.1.3 階段三:真實計價交易 47
4.2 系統估價模式與計價原則規劃 48
4.2.1 虛擬計價階段之估價方式 49
4.2.2 真實計價階段之估價方式 51
4.2.3 計價原則與條件限制 51
4.3 內部計價系統之運作與執行規劃 52
4.3.1 內部計價系統運作流程 53
4.3.2 相關資訊系統導入之規劃 54
4.4 內部計價系統導入之可行性與問題分析 55
4.4.1 可行性分析 55
4.4.2 其他潛在問題分析 57
4.5 內部計價系統導入後之預期效益分析 59
4.5.1 財務面效益 59
4.5.2 管理面效益 60
第五章 結論與建議 61
5.1 研究結論 61
5.2 對管理之建議 62
5.3 研究限制及未來研究方向 62
參考文獻 64
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指導教授 范錚強(C.K. Farn) 審核日期 2012-7-19
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