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姓名 鄭少寰(Shao-huan Jheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 於字彙數位學習系統加入Facebook社群平台之系統設計與效益研究
(System Design and Effectiveness Study of Adding Facebook Environment into Vocabulary Learning System)
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摘要(中) 字彙是英文學習的基礎。學生若想流利的閱讀,必須要有足夠的單字量才行。能完成大量的單字背誦是許多學習者的目標。但是對於大多數的學習者而言,在大量的單字背誦過程中,會逐漸因為懶惰及缺乏學習動機而放棄。
摘要(英) Vocabulary learning is the basis of learning English. One must have sufficient vocabulary in order to read fluently. Memorizing a large number of vocabularies is many learners’ goal, but to most of them, in the process of long-term learning would make them give up because of a lack of motivation.
So far, many studies have investigated various type of social interaction on the impact of e-learning. Students who learn in traditional e-learning would be the lack of face-to-face contact, but through the help of information technology can solve this problem. In this study, we add Facebook social platform into vocabulary learning system, MyVLS, to help learners to know learning status amoung one another and to make learners feel they are not alone. The purpose is to elicit learning motivation, enhancing the vocabulary learning effectiveness.
In addition to implement MyVLS-social, in this study we experiment on NCU sophomore students to see if MyVLS-social can help learner’s vocabulary learning. After learning, results show that the experimental group’s learning motivation is much higher than control group’s, and so does the grades of post-test of vocabulary size, but no significant difference exist between them in vocabulary knowledge test. We found that add popular community platform in e-learning environment can effectively enhance learners’ attention, confidence, interest of learning and learning satisfaction. Hope to provide future researchers as design considerations of e-learning environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 學習動機
★ Facebook
★ 英文字彙學習
★ 數位學習
關鍵字(英) ★ learning motivation
★ Facebook
★ vocabulary learning
★ e-learning
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
一、緒論 1
 1.1 研究背景 1
 1.2 研究動機 5
 1.3 研究目的 6
 1.3 研究範圍 6
 1.4 研究架構 7
二、文獻探討 8
 2.1 MyVLS 8
 2.2 學習動機 9
  2.2.1 學習動機之定義 9
  2.2.2 ARCS模式動機理論 9
 2.3 社會臨場感理論 12
 2.4 Facebook與數位學習系統 13
三、研究方法 16
 3.1 MyVLS字彙學習系統 16
 3.2 MyVLS-social系統設計 18
  3.2.1 MyVLS-social系統設計 18
  3.2.2 MyVLS-social字彙學習流程 25
 3.3 實驗設計與衡量工具 26
  3.3.1 實驗設計與進行 26
  3.3.2 衡量工具 31
  3.3.3 資料收集與分析 34
四、研究結果與討論 35
 4.1 測驗卷與問卷回收 36
 4.2 使用MyVLS-social系統背誦英文字彙之有效性 36
 4.3 字彙數位學習系統加入Facebook社群環境對學習成效之影響 38
 4.4 字彙數位學習系統加入Facebook社群環境對學習動機與滿意度之影響 42
  4.4.1 加入Facebook社群環境對學生整體學習動機之影響結果 42
  4.4.2 加入Facebook社群環境對學生學習滿意度之影響結果 45
  4.4.3 加入Facebook社群環境對ARCS動機各構面之影響結果 46
 4.5 問卷結果綜合討論與質性訪談 46
  4.5.1 IMMS動機量表結果與分析 46
  4.5.2 質性訪談 51
  4.5.3 綜合討論 59
五、結論 62
 5.1 結論 62
 5.2 研究貢獻 62
 5.3 未來展望 63
參考文獻 64
英文部分 64
中文部分 67
附錄一 學習前、後測驗測驗卷 69
附錄二 質性訪談結果 75
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指導教授 許智誠(Chihcheng Hsu) 審核日期 2012-7-16
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