摘要(英) |
Product approval is an important element to selling a product. Fewer researches focus study the demand relation in more depth. To elaborate more, each country may have divers demand request of product approval in order to accommodate numerous factors such as government regulation or customized demand. It is undoubtedly that product approval plays a significant role in marketing strategy when selling a product both domestically and oversea. Taiwan is an export-oriented country. In order to successfully launching in foreign markets, it is required to follow each country’s standardized regulation for product approval among different industries such as IT, mechanical, opto-electronic, medical, food etc. In consequences, the cost and time required for launching a new product could be considerably much higher; however, corporation should not have oversight the importance of product approval. Other than the standard regulation, there’s a trend of increase in number of product approval required by each country, including EMC, harmful substance content, energy management, etc. Product standards require continuous update in order to meet the regulation and customized need; meanwhile, it triggers the growth in product approval service company.
This research focuses in LED lighting products, with several case studies to determine the relation between product approval and international trading. Survey sample consists of companies requiring outsourced product approval service (Company A, B, C) and companies providing such service (Company D, E, F). According to the case studies, product approval surely has relative influence power to the company revenue. Furthermore, the bigger the company size is, the higher the cost of product approval it will involve. Profession is the first priority when evaluating the third party product approval services. This research did not cover the study in how to determine whether the product required outsourced product approval service, how to choose the qualified third-party service, nor how to manage and maintain the cow-working relationship with the outsourced service party.
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