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姓名 郭博裕(Po-yu Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 單步驟反射式成像面圓錐型複合全像術
(One-step reflection image-plane conical multiplex holography)
★ 成像面圓盤型複合全像術研究★ 成像面圓錐型複合全像之特性分析
★ 子波列轉換在光學圖形識別的應用★ 可環繞觀賞之成像面圓盤型複合全像術
★ 成像面圓盤型全像複製品之影像模糊分析★ 成像面圓盤型複合全像術之虛實像設計
★ 可環繞觀賞之傳統圓盤型複合全像片★ 反射式圓盤型複合全像術
★ 圓盤全像複製品之點擴散函數分析★ 利用DiscT@2製作電腦全像片之研究
★ 擴展垂直視角之反射式圓盤型複合全像術★ 利用液晶顯示器之Fresnel電腦全像術
★ 全彩反射式圓盤型複合全像術之視窗設計與數值模擬★ 全彩展示之反射式圓盤型複合全像術
★ 產生實像之成像面圓盤型複合全像片製作與複製研究★ 反射式成像面凹面圓柱型複合全像術
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摘要(中) 複合全像術發展至今已有四十多年的歷史,優點在於拍攝全像片的原始物體,不需被限制能擺放在光學桌上。若拍攝的全像片為軸對稱型式,觀察者可觀賞到原始物體各個角度的重建影像,因此可以展示物體360度的影像資訊。其中圓錐型複合全像術是於1989年由Okada領導的日本研究團隊所提出,其展示型態為穿透式全像片,將二維物體資訊分別記錄成一條細長型的全像片,因此在重建影像時會有一條條惱人的垂直條紋重疊於影像上,我們稱為「柵欄效應」,可以應用成像面的拍攝技術來消除此效應。
摘要(英) Multiplex holography has been developed for more than forty years. The advantage of Multiplex holography is that the subjects for holographic recording are not limited to be those which could be placed on the optical table. One can observe the reconstructed image of the original object from different directions if the multiplex hologram is made to be axially symmetric.
The conical holographic stereogram was developed in 1989 by Japanese research team led by K. Okada. The displaying type of this kind of hologram belongs to the transmission type. They recorded 2D image information belonging to different angles of the original object in a sequence of long, thin and fan-shaped areas of the recording film. Therefore, the reconstructed image will have many black stripes. It looks like viewing an image through a fence, called the “picket-fence effect”. This problem can be amended by using the image-plane technique.
  In this study, we focus on this image-plane concept and design the method to record reflection image-plane conic multiplex hologram in one step. We add cylindrical lenses in both the object beam and the reference beam to compensate for the “astigmatic effect”, produced when hologram is curve into a conical surface. As a result, observer can watch wider range of the single hologram than before. We obtain 3D image with smaller deformation after this compensation process which increases the correcting freedom of “astigmatic effect” by utilization of an extra cylindrical lens in the object beam. The observer can perceive the 3D virtue image generated inside the hologram cone during reconstruction. We use computer to simulate the holographic process and the reconstructed 3D images observed at different positions. Using this fabrication method, we success fully recorded reflection image-plane conic multiplex hologram in one step and reconstructed 3D image with smaller deformation. The disadvantage of this method is the extremely narrow vertical viewing window and the lower diffraction efficiency. Finally, we propose some improved methods and the possible future development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 反射式全像術
★ 圓錐型
★ 複合全像術
★ 單步驟
★ 虛像
關鍵字(英) ★ reflection hologram
★ conical type
★ multiplex holography
★ one-step
★ Virtual image
論文目次 第一章 導論.....................................1
第二章 複合全像技術簡介...........................5
2.1 傳統圓錐型複合全像術..........................5
2.2 成像面圓錐型複合全像術........................9
2.3 反射式複合全像技術介紹........................12
2.3.1 穿透式與反射式全像片的製作及重建方式..........12
2.3.2 反射式全像片之繞射光波長範圍.................13
第三章 光學系統.................................17
3.1 單步驟反射式成像面圓錐型複合全像術系統架構........17
3.2 光學系統參數設計.............................21
3.2.1 物體和底片的旋轉與原始物體影像之擷取...........22
3.2.2 物光系統的參數設計.........................25
3.2.3 參考光系統與重建光的位置關係.................28
3.2.4 參考光系統的參數設計........................29
3.3 以白光重建全像片之繞射光波長範圍................31
第四章 光路追跡與理論計算..........................33
4.1 物光系統的方向餘弦............................33
4.2 參考光系統的方向餘弦..........................38
4.3 底片與觀賞座標之座標轉換.......................41
4.3.1 像點的轉換.................................41
4.3.2 方向餘弦的轉換..............................44
4.4 重建光的方向餘弦..............................48
4.5 繞射光的方向餘弦..............................49
4.6 空間中視線交會點之理論計算......................51
第五章 電腦模擬結果分析............................55
第六章 實驗結果與結論.............................83
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指導教授 鄭益祥 審核日期 2012-10-1
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