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姓名 葉人菘(Jen-Sung Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 應用於矽薄膜化學氣相沉積製程之電子迴旋共振電漿模擬研究
(The simulation study of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma for silicon thin film Deposition process)
★ 以磁場模擬法設計磁鐵排列改善濺鍍機台之填洞能力★ 高頻RF感應加熱器應用於MOCVD承載盤之均溫性探討分析
★ 局域性表面電漿效應應用於增益有機發光二極體發光強度之參數優化研究★ 最佳化設計金屬有機化學氣相沉積高溫加熱系統數值分析研究
★ 以濺鍍CIG三元靶調變硒化製程壓力製作CIGS太陽能電池之特性分析★ 最佳化OLED面型蒸鍍加熱器設計與腔體流場數值分析
★ 以電漿診斷探討電漿輔助化學氣相沉積系統之製程環境優化對氫化非晶矽鈍化品質之影響★ 電漿診斷系統輔助化學氣相沉積之鈍化層薄膜製程區間研究
★ 以數值分析法分析氮化鎵薄膜沉膜機制之探討暨實作驗證★ 電弧噴塗積層製造:Ta/TaN 薄膜物理氣相沉積中腔體襯套翻新與顆粒缺陷減少相關性研究
★ 以RTP硒化法探討CIS薄膜及元件特性之研究★ 局域性表面電漿共振效應應用於OLED出光增益之研究
★ TE模式電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積之矽薄膜電漿光譜研究★ TE 微波模式電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積於大面積非晶矽薄膜均勻度之研究
★ 自製蘭牟爾探針診斷TE微波模式電子迴旋共振電漿★ 以噴塗技術在不銹鋼基板上沉積氧化矽阻隔層應用於可撓式CIGS太陽電池之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究使用COMSOL流體模型軟體模擬電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積(ECR-CVD)之矽薄膜製程,以蘭摩爾探針(Langmuir probe)結合電漿放射光譜儀(Optical Emission Spectroscopy, OES)作為模擬驗證工具,藉由模擬的方式瞭解其中電漿的基本特性與活性粒子的密度及分佈情況,並探討改變操作參數(微波功率、製程壓力、磁場組態、氫稀釋比)下電漿的變化。
摘要(英) This research used COMSOL fluid model software to simulate the silicon thin-film plasma process received from the electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition (ECR-CVD). This study also used the simulation results to verify the results obtained from Langmuir probe and the Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES). From such simulation results, we can understand the basic properties of the plasma as well as the distribution and the density of the active species. In addition, we can predict the changes of plasma properties under different operating parameters such as microwave power, pressure, magnetic field and hydrogen dilution ratio (H2/SiH4).
The results of simulation show that electrons in the resonance zone through repeated heating process absorb more than 90% of the microwave energy. Under the influence of resonance in reactions, both electron density (Ne) and electron temperature (Te) have the largest amounts around the resonance zone. The distributions of radicals in the plasma mainly are due to differences in their plasma formation. Thus, SiH3 and H species are generated mainly due to the collisions of an electron and SiH4. On the other hands, SiH2 species are generated as the results of collisions of either 2SiH3 particles or an electron with and SiH4. Power variations will change the electron density, but electron temperature seem not to change much. Increase of pressure will decrease both electron temperature and density. Changing the magnetic field will change the resonance zone as well as the density of different species. Thus, the different species distributions can be obtained by controlling the main magnetic field. When hydrogen dilution ratio increases, SiH3 species will rapidly decrease since H density is increased. Thus, the deposition rate of amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) will decrease and the crystalline fraction of thin films is increased. Finally, these simulation results show a good agreement with the measurement results of Langmuir probe and OES.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子迴旋共振化學氣相沉積
★ 矽薄膜
★ 電漿模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ ECR-CVD
★ silicon thin film
★ plasma simulation
論文目次 第一章 簡介 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 文獻整理及基本回顧 5
2-1 電漿簡介 5
2-1-1 電漿原理及特性 5
2-1-2 磁場下帶電粒子運動行為 10
2-2 薄膜沉積 16
2-2-1 薄膜沉積原理 16
2-2-2 化學氣相沉積(CVD) 19
2-3 矽薄膜介紹 27
2-4 電漿模擬文獻回顧 35
第三章 模擬與實驗架構 38
3-1研究方法 38
3-1-1研究架構 39
3-2 數值模擬方法 39
3-2-1 流體模型 39
3-2-2 磁場方程式 40
3-2-3電子傳輸方程式 40
3-2-4 離子與中性粒子傳輸方程式 44
3-2-5 電磁場方程式 46
3-2-6 幾何結構 46
3-2-7 邊界條件 48
3-2-7 反應式資料庫 48
3-3 實驗設備及原理 55
3-3-1 電子迴旋共振氣相沉積系統(Electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition, ECR-CVD) 55
3-3-2蘭摩爾探針(Langmuir probe) 58
3-3-3 電源電錶(Keithley 2400) 59
3-3-4 光放射光譜儀(OES) 60
第四章 結果與討論 64
4-1 腔體內磁場組態分析 64
4-2 ECR電漿特性模擬與分析 69
4-2-1 模擬參數與起始條件 69
4-2-2 ECR電漿特性分析 70
4-2-3主要鍍膜粒子之生成機制分析 72
4-3 微波功率 78
4-3-1 微波功率對電漿特性之影響 78
4-3-2 微波功率對主要鍍膜粒子的影響 83
4-4 製程壓力 89
4-4-1 製程壓力對電漿特性之影響 89
4-4-2 製程壓力對主要鍍膜粒子的影響 93
4-5 磁場組態 98
4-5-1磁場組態對電漿特性之影響 98
4-5-2 磁場組態對主要鍍膜粒子的影響 104
4-6氫稀釋比 108
4-6-1氫稀釋比對電漿特性之影響 108
4-6-2 氫稀釋比對主要鍍膜粒子的影響 113
第五章 結論 117
參考文獻 119

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指導教授 利定東(Tomi Li) 審核日期 2012-11-13
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