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姓名 黃建綸(Chien-Lun Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 平緩海灘表層含水量變化特性研究
(On the Variation of Surface Moisture on Mild-Slope Beach)
★ 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究★ 近岸海洋波浪對海面粗糙度之影響
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摘要(中) 早期對飛砂研究認為風力作用是影響之主因,而海岸飛砂位於海-陸-氣交界區域,此處飛砂受海灘表層含水量影響非常劇烈。本研究針對海灘表層砂,以水氣收支平衡觀點探討表砂含水量之變化及其對海岸區域飛砂現象之影響。
摘要(英) Previous studies have shown that the wind speed is one of the most dominant controls on aeolian sediment transport. Coastal zone is at the interface among the ocean, atmosphere and the land, where the effects of the moisture content of the top few grain layers (surface moisture) to aeolian sediment transport is even important. This study highlights the dynamic spatial and temporal variability in surface moisture content on mild-slope beach.
In this study, the observations were carried out at Yung-An Beach, Xinwu, Taoyuan. Two methods, surface brightness method and gravimetric method, were adopted to measure surface moisture. Furthermore, comparisons of surface brightness content and gravimetric moisture content in an attempt to examine the accuracy and possibility of the surface brightness method was implemented.
The results demonstrates that the tidal difference is an important control on aeolian sediment transport in Yung-An Beach. Spring tide is the necessary condition that the surface moisture could be reduced to certain level that its corresponding wind speed thresholds for aeolian transport is less than the ambient wind speed. When the spring tide if the groundwater table is lower than the zero flux plane (ZFP), surface moisture decreases with time in exponential decay. Intensive evaporation due to wind and solar radiation results in faster surface moisture decay and allows the aeolian sand transport. Present study applies data analysis to separate the effects of tide and evaporation on the surface moisture. We proposed a surface moisture content decay formula to assessment the possibility of the occurrence of aeolian sediment transport decay in the mild-solpe beach environments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 飛砂
★ 表砂含水量
關鍵字(英) ★ aeolian sediment transport
★ surface moisture content
論文目次 中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 前言 1
1.1 海岸環境 1
1.2 飛砂 2
1.2.1 飛砂定義 2
1.2.2 飛砂重要性 4
1.2.3 飛砂運動機制 5
1.2.4 飛砂影響因子 6
1.3 表砂含水量重要性 7
1.4 研究動機與方法 9
1.5 海灘表層砂粒水氣收支 10
第二章 資料來源 11
2.1 研究區域地理位置 11
2.2 潮位觀測資料 12
2.3 通量觀測資料 13
2.4 表砂含水量觀測資料 16
2.4.1 表砂含水量觀測點位位置 18
2.4.2 重量法表砂含水量乾燥與計算流程 20
2.4.3 影像法表砂含水量光源校正流程 21
2.4.4 影像法表砂含水量計算流程 23
第三章 資料結果與討論 25
3.1 重量法表砂含水量與影像法表砂含水量計算結果比較 25
3.2 重量法表砂含水量與潮位資料展示 26
3.3 重量法表砂含水量與潮位資料、通量估算蒸發量比較 32
第四章 結論與建議 42
參考文獻 43
參考文獻 國外文獻
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指導教授 錢樺(Hua Chien) 審核日期 2013-1-23
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