摘要(英) |
Nowadays, our national forces are experiencing continuous budget cuts and personnel reduction, which arouses the necessity for new generation logistic management upgrades. For example, one possible method is integrating system characteristics and advantages of RFID tags with the mission objectives of regional military supply facilities. Throughout this technology, we can not only precisely monitor the item, quantity and logistic requirements of each supply object, also keep track of the logistic flow by embedding digital technology. Providing excellent service at the right time, location, quality, quantity to our military forces and supports our troops in combat with precise focus logistics.
This study applied Hierarchy Analysis methodology and expert consultation to discuss and evaluate the possibility to introduce RFID to military logistic operations (which include environment, transmission technology and operation procedures) and its mechanisms. Under the three major influential categories, the most important one is the environment. Because under this category, it had included environmental interference, humidity, and metallic materials factors were evaluated as the first, third, fifth influential factors that affect the possibility of applying RFID into military logistic facilities. Out of these three factors, the outstanding factor is environmental interference. This is because the present logistics facilities of our national forces had to accommodate various kinds and extensive quantity of supply items in order to meet all needs from the forces such as food, clothing and equipment parts. Besides, in the transmission technology category, RFID transfer distance factor had shown its significance. Because under military regulations of logistic operations, military supply items must be stacked horizontally under each item’s standard. Therefore, each item should be placed to the required height. On the other hand, Due to the harsh economy of our nation, resulting annual military budget cuts, which brings out the operational cost category’s leading factor is the expense for RFID tags. How to execute the RFID project under limited budgets to achieve maximum efficiency had become the quest that national forces must face in this time.
The results mentioned above can enhance our nation’s military logistic supply and operations to a better level. We believed that we could earn the nation’s recognition for military logistic management by further improving our operation efficiency and risk management. |
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