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姓名 葉菀婷(Wan-ting Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 母語為中文與英文者偵測頻率掃描訊號方向之事件相關腦電波研究
(Detection of Frequency-Modulated Sweep Direction by English and Chinese Speakers: An ERP Study)
★ 語音知覺與中文識字能力的關係★ 於虛擬環境中之雙耳時間差偵測機制研究
★ 動態聽覺編碼在3D空間中的神經相關機制★ 絕對音感能力對嘈雜環境中旋律和語句辨識影響之行為和腦造影研究
★ 基頻輪廓和音樂經驗對嘈雜環境中語句辨識影響之行為和腦電波實驗
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摘要(中) 調頻 (frequency modulation)是構成複雜溝通訊號的基本聽覺元素,舉凡人類語言、音樂至同物種發聲。調頻掃描(frequency-modulated sweeps)是調頻中重要的類別之一,可提供語言編碼(speech encoding)與詞匯特徵(lexicon distinction)等重要線索,此線索以語調語言(tonal language)尤為明顯。本實驗致力於偵測調頻掃描訊號處理中的聽覺敏感度與語言經驗,並執行心理物理學與事件相關腦電位實驗。實驗一,利用非配對誘發電位成分(mismatch negativity component)探討分辨線性頻率掃描訊號方向之神經基質。實驗二,利用非配對誘發電位成分與行為分辨(discrimination)實驗,探討變化複合頻率掃描訊號的方向、頻寬與速率之敏感度。實驗三,母語為中文及英文受試者參與聽覺閾限追蹤實驗,此實驗目的為檢測語言經驗影響基礎調頻處理程度。行為實驗顯示,中文為母語受試者擁有較準確的辨別能力於第一共振峰的頻間(600-900Hz),且不受刺激長短影響(30, 100 及300毫秒)均有出色的辨別能力;但在基頻頻間(180-270Hz),只有較長的刺激(100及300毫秒)表現較好。事件相關腦電位實驗顯示,中文為母語的受試者,在不受注意力介入的情況下,僅在較長(100及300毫秒)的下行訊號之條件,仍可辨認頻率掃描訊號及複合頻率掃描訊號之方向。非配對誘發電位成分的振幅在較長的訊號與第一共振峰的頻率區間較大,代表偵測能力較好。聽覺閾限追蹤實驗(auditory threshold tracking)顯示中文受試者分辨頻率掃描訊號的能力比英文受試者更好,隱含著複合調頻訊號之敏感度會隨語言經驗而不同。研究結果顯示語言經驗會影響非語言知覺性聽覺訊號處理,如調頻掃描訊號。
摘要(英) 調頻 (frequency modulation)是構成複雜溝通訊號的基本聽覺元素,舉凡人類語言、音樂至同物種發聲。調頻掃描(frequency-modulated sweeps)是調頻中重要的類別之一,可提供語言編碼(speech encoding)與詞匯特徵(lexicon distinction)等重要線索,此線索以語調語言(tonal language)尤為明顯。本實驗致力於偵測調頻掃描訊號處理中的聽覺敏感度與語言經驗,並執行心理物理學與事件相關腦電位實驗。實驗一,利用非配對誘發電位成分(mismatch negativity component)探討分辨線性頻率掃描訊號方向之神經基質。實驗二,利用非配對誘發電位成分與行為分辨(discrimination)實驗,探討變化複合頻率掃描訊號的方向、頻寬與速率之敏感度。實驗三,母語為中文及英文受試者參與聽覺閾限追蹤實驗,此實驗目的為檢測語言經驗影響基礎調頻處理程度。行為實驗顯示,中文為母語受試者擁有較準確的辨別能力於第一共振峰的頻間(600-900Hz),且不受刺激長短影響(30, 100 及300毫秒)均有出色的辨別能力;但在基頻頻間(180-270Hz),只有較長的刺激(100及300毫秒)表現較好。事件相關腦電位實驗顯示,中文為母語的受試者,在不受注意力介入的情況下,僅在較長(100及300毫秒)的下行訊號之條件,仍可辨認頻率掃描訊號及複合頻率掃描訊號之方向。非配對誘發電位成分的振幅在較長的訊號與第一共振峰的頻率區間較大,代表偵測能力較好。聽覺閾限追蹤實驗(auditory threshold tracking)顯示中文受試者分辨頻率掃描訊號的能力比英文受試者更好,隱含著複合調頻訊號之敏感度會隨語言經驗而不同。研究結果顯示語言經驗會影響非語言知覺性聽覺訊號處理,如調頻掃描訊號。
關鍵字(中) ★ 頻率掃描訊號
★ 事件相關腦電位
★ 非配對誘發電位
★ 聽覺閾限追蹤
★ 語調語言
★ 語言經驗
關鍵字(英) ★ frequency-modulated (FM)
★ event-related potentials (ERPs)
★ mismatch negativity (MMN)
★ auditory threshold tracking
★ tonal language
★ language experience
論文目次 Abstract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Table of Content -----------------------------------------------------------------------vi
List of Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------ix
1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1 Frequency modulated sweeps ----------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1-1 Direction in FM sweeps --------------------------------------------------------- 2
1-1-2 Formant frequency in speech ---------------------------------------------------- 3
1-1-3 Temporal scale in FM sweeps ---------------------------------------------------- 3
1-1-4 Literature review--------------------------------------------------------------- 4
(1) Animals studies on FM sweeps processing ---------------------------------------- 4
(2) MEG studies on FM sweeps processing--------------------------------------------- 5
(3) fMRI studies on FM sweeps processing-------------------------------------------- 6
1-2 Language experiences ----------------------------------------------------------- 7
1-2-1 Corticofugal hypothesis -------------------------------------------------------- 7
1-2-2 Perceptual signal processing --------------------------------------------------- 8
1-2-3 Literature review-------------------------------------------------------------- 10
(1) Psychophysical studies on FM sweeps and language experiences------------------- 10
2 Research Aims------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
2-1 Research aims ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2-2 Overview of the experiments --------------------------------------------------- 13
3 General Method ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3-1 Mismatch negativity (MMN) ----------------------------------------------------- 15
3-1-1 Literature review ------------------------------------------------------------- 16
(1) MMN study on FM tones processing by impaired language speakers----------------- 16
(2) MMN study on FM sweeps processing --------------------------------------------- 16
3-2 EEG recording and analysis ---------------------------------------------------- 17
3-3 MMN difference waveform analysis ---------------------------------------------- 18
4 Experiment 1 :
FM sweeps direction detection by speakers of Mandarin Chinese: An MMN study------------ 20
4-1 Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
4-2 Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
4-3 Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
5 Experiment 2 :
Direction detection on FM-tone sweeps complex by Chinese speakers --------------------- 24
5-1 Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25
5-1-1 MMN experiment ---------------------------------------------------------------- 25
5-1-2 Behavior performance experiment ----------------------------------------------- 27
5-2 Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
5-2-1 MMN results ------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
5-2-2 Behavior results -------------------------------------------------------------- 29
(1) Performance correct ----------------------------------------------------------- 29
(2) Signal detection analysis ----------------------------------------------------- 29
5-3 Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
5-3-1 MMN experiment ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
5-3-2 Behavior experiment ----------------------------------------------------------- 31
6 Experiment 3
Auditory threshold tracking of FM-tone sweeps complex by native Mandarin Chinese and
English speakers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
6-1 Method ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
6-2 Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
6-2-1 Detection threshold----------------------------------------------------------- 36
6-2-2 Goodness-of-fit exponential regression model --------------------------------- 37
6-2-3 Monte Carlo simulation ------------------------------------------------------- 37
6-3 Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
7 General Discussion ------------------------------------------------------------ 40
7-1 Findings on FM sweeps direction detection ------------------------------------- 40
7-1-1 Effect on direction ----------------------------------------------------------- 40
7-1-2 Effect on frequency format ---------------------------------------------------- 41
7-1-3 Effect on language experiences ------------------------------------------------ 42
7-2 Limitations-------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
7-2-1 Duration and rate covaries in FM sweeps---------------------------------------- 43
7-2-2 Formant frequency bandwidth --------------------------------------------------- 43
7-2-3 Auditory sensitivity----------------------------------------------------------- 44
7-2-4 Possible existence of amplitude modulation at lower frequencies---------------- 44
7-3 Conclusion and future research ------------------------------------------------ 45
8 References -------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
9 Figures ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
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指導教授 謝宜蕙(I-hui Hsieh) 審核日期 2013-1-29
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