摘要(英) |
The accounting service industry is influenced by cost cutting measures implemented in response to the economic downturn. Most accounting firms remain unchanged without realizing the differences in the business environment. Given the economic environment, government policy, generation change, and internationalization, accounting firms must alter their competitive strategies to reach the goal of sustainable management. This research aims at analyzing the business environment and trend of development in Taiwan’s accounting service industry. The business strategies of the case company are investigated in hope to figure out possible competitive strategies for the future.
This research adopts a case study approach, reviews relevant literature, and conducts an interview with managers of the case company. The company’s marketing, human resources, and services strategies are discussed during the interview. Four competitive strategies are examined: implementation of the information system, expansion through acquisition or partnership, the offer of non-audit consulting services, and the offer of forensic accounting services.
Four conclusions are made regarding the development of the accounting service industry: (1) The increase of acceptance rate has made the audit market saturated; (2) The average profit margin of accounting firms has declined due to the economic downturn and market competition; (3) Most accountants are males and the overall education level for accountants has gradually increased; (4) The future development focus will be human capital and non-audit services. Recommendations for future competitive strategies are provided based on the case company analysis: (1) Services areas are recommended to be expanded through acquisition, partnership, or strategic alliance; (2) Non-audit consulting and innovative value-added services are better provided to consumers; (3) Create peripheral businesses to satisfy clients’ needs; (4) Seek for a niche market; (5) Engage in the audit business with the assistance of information system; (6) Forensic accounting services are recommended to be brought into the business for medium and long-term development. |
參考文獻 |
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