摘要(英) |
In recent years, with stabilized Cross-Strait relationship between China and Taiwan, and the booming Chinese overseas tourism, the Taiwanese government has been actively
promoting Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan. This expanding domestic tourism industry
triggers a rapid expansion in demand of buses. However, there are a dozen of companies
in bus manufacturing, resulting in fierce competition. Local makers tried all their efforts
to find effective strategies in order to improve their effectiveness and flourish in the
competitive market.
By providing warm and touching after-service, and value-for-money merchandise, companies could expand their revenue from after service operation, leading to higher
Profit. Moreover, a good after service helps to improve customer satisfaction as well as brand loyalty, resulting in repurchases. In all, after service and new vehicle sales are equally important and complement to each other.
The target of this study is a bus manufacturer, company M, which is Taiwan-Japan joint venture, and is a subsidiary of a well-known automotive company that has been established for 66 years and is a benchmark in The industry. This study first conducts strategic analyses using various tools, including Poter’s Competition models, SWOT analysis, and Hill and Jones’ Strategic Management Theory. The objective is to identify
the unique capabilities and value of the company. Next, this study analyzes a new product
based on its characteristics, and identify opportunities for localization. The objective is
to deliver a product that better meets local users’ needs at a lower cost.
Through this study, we hope to find a profitable “Blue Ocean Strategy” of the bus business and avoid the severe price-only “Red Ocean” competition in the automotive industry. |
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