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姓名 廖智偉(Chih-Wei Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 使用者主導系統導入時資訊單位的角色-以W公司導入產品資料管理系統為例
(The Role of IT Unit in User Owned System Implementation Project - A Case Study on W Company’s PDM System Implementation)
★ 應用結構行動理論探討跨國企業導入供應鏈管理之個案研究-以資訊電子業為例★ 應用調適性結構行動理論探討ERP卅MES系統導入、轉移和整合之個案研究
★ LCD面板製造廠資訊系統商業價值之個案研究★ 應用調適性結構行動理論探討CIM系統的導入 -以TFT-LCD產業為例
★ ERP系統品質Enhancement的實徵研究★ 以資訊處理理論探討出貨管理系統在TFT-LCD產業的導入及影響之個案研究
★ 連接器供應商於中國大陸地區導入出貨管理系統之個案研究★ 以AHP法探討跨國企業評選固網供應商之決策準則
★ 工具機製造業導入協作式接單服務之探討--以沖床製造廠商為例★ 製造業導入先進規劃與排程系統之探討—以筆電領導廠商為例
★ 經銷商管理的再造-台灣知名飲料業的個案研究★ 運用精實六標準差手法改善資料品質─某TFT-LCD業者之個案研究
★ 第三方物流業者之設施規劃與方案評估-以C物流公司為例★ 期望和認知差異對ERP導入專案的影響-以B公司導入SAP為例
★ 運用限制理論探討F公司大型資訊服務專案執行之研究★ 商業智慧資料倉儲系統的使用分析與改善方案-以C公司為例
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摘要(中) 規模經濟與大量生產造就了低價競爭,技術普及和需求快速變動也使得產品生命週期大幅縮短,加上客製需求不斷增加,使得機械設備業產品價格迅速滑落、成本急遽增加,獲利大幅度的萎縮。國內某機械設備製造業者希望藉由PDM系統的導入以因應設計變更需求日增的產業環境,做好產品資訊文件控管、有效縮短產品開發週數、以提昇產品品質並降低成本。第一次導入時由研發單位主導進行,在沒有資訊單位(IT)參與專案情形下,因缺乏專案管理、系統需求規劃及上線前準備等原因,歷經一年時間,系統仍無法上線使用,時程嚴重延誤。
摘要(英) Economics of scale and mass production have led to price competition, popularity of technology, and rapid demand changes. Given the dramatic reduction of product life cycle and soaring demand for customization, product prices in the machinery and equipment industry decline rapidly, costs rise sharply, and profits become lower significantly. One machinery and equipment manufacturing company in Taiwan implements the PDM system in response to the industry environment where demands for design changes are increasing. The company hopes that the implementation of the system can help the company in controlling product information, effectively reducing the number of weeks required to develop products, enhancing product quality, and cutting costs. Yet without the IT department’s participation, project management, and pre-implementation preparation, the system is unable to work during the initial implementation guided by the R&D department.
This research, based on the case study approach, clarifies the failure factors of the company’s initial implementation of the PDM system. Suitable implementation procedures are selected and adjusted according the actual practices of the case company so that the company can re-implement the PDM system. The author of this research is appointed as the company’s project expeditor and system integrator. Following an analysis of the company’s key failure factors of its initial system implementation, the PDM reimplementation project is conducted based on the integration methodology. By finding solutions to the key problems, the author controls the project through project management and the “stage gate” approach. The success of the PDM system reimplementation has not only satisfied users’ needs, but met the demand from the company’s executives. This research identifies the case company’s success factors in implementing the PDM system. Executives’ strong demand, user-owned system implementation, and the participation of the IT department are the key factors of the successful PDM implementation project. The research concludes that IT plays a critical role in developing the user-owned system. During the process of system implementation, making sure that demands are met and contract promises are enforced is a focus for project management as well as a necessity for successful implementation. The managerial and practical implications of this research are worth for consideration both for the academia and the industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 產品資料管理
★ 系統導入
★ 使用者主導專案
★ 階段關卡
★ 系統上線
關鍵字(英) ★ Product Data Management
★ System implementation
★ User project ownership
★ Stage gate
★ System go-live
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 產品資料管理 5
2.1.1 PDM定義 5
2.1.2 PDM系統功能 6
2.1.3 PDM導入方式 8
2.1.4 PDM導入關鍵成功因素 12
2.2 階段關卡 13
2.3 使用者主導 16
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 研究對象與範圍 18
3.2 研究架構 19
第四章 個案分析 21
4.1 個案背景 21
4.1.1 LED產業介紹 21
4.1.2 個案公司基本介紹 23
4.1.3 公司理念 26
4.1.4 發展遠景 27
4.2 PDM系統導入規劃 28
4.2.1 導入前問題確認 29
4.2.2 第一次導入:無IT協助 30
4.2.3 導入目的 32
4.2.4 專案團隊組成 34
4.2.5 導入範圍 37
4.2.6 廠商評選 38
4.2.7 系統介紹 39
4.3 PDM系統建置 41
4.3.1 第二次導入:有IT協助 41
4.3.2 流程需求確認 41
4.3.3 雛型系統建置與系統規劃建置 45
4.3.4 上線前準備 51
4.4 個案分析 52
4.4.1 導入過程遭遇到的困難 52
4.4.2 作業流程的改善 54
4.4.3 PDM導入效益分析 57
4.4.4 PDM成功上線的因素 58
4.5 研究發現 60
第五章 結論 62
5.1 研究結論 63
5.2 管理意涵 64
5.3 研究限制與未來研究方向與建議 65
參考文獻 66
參考文獻 【英文文獻】
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指導教授 何靖遠(Chin-Yuan Ho) 審核日期 2013-6-17
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