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呂學成(Hsueh-Cheng Lu)
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資訊管理學系在職專班 |
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建置服務導向系統改善生產之流程-以W公司PMS系統為例 (Build a service oriented architecture system to improve process of manufacture - a case study of semiconductor PMS system)
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摘要(中) |
目前大部分的半導體廠於資訊系統的整合部分都是依據 SEMATECH所定訂的CIM Framework 為基礎架構。它是一個完整的系統整合架構,利用物件導向技術為實作基礎,對於異質平台間的整合會有一定的困難度。本研究利用近年來被廣泛利用的服務導向架構實做WEB平台,解決廠內異質系統接軌的問題,在平台之上以物件導向技術來建立核心運作物件,再分類導入不同站點的流程需求,完成了能夠重複組建的架構且獨立的流程開發系統,配合線上流程的更新,也以此解決了線上所遭遇到的問題,其效益除了直接改善產品品質、縮短解決問題的時間、降低成本外,也間接的降低線上管理的問題和達到宣導電子化的效益,希望能藉此讓線上人員對於系統化的助益能更加深入的了解其所帶來的好處及便利,激發未來對於問題能有不同於以往的思考方式。 |
摘要(英) |
The semiconductor industry is a large manufacturing industries, has a complex process and business behavior. In the production process relies on computer systems support and ability to get efficiently management and productive resources planning control. Therefore need to implement different system to support internal requirement, however, the most important for the core of the production process is MES system, not only affect the production performance also for the company operating very helpful. Over 90% MES software was provided by professional system provider, although they provide total solution for MES service architecture with its plug-in functions, but its price is prohibitive for small companies. In this study, using the limited resources of the internal development, further integration with the MES system to establish our own process and system, aimed at the integration of existing systems and developing environment to improve the production process, improve product yield rate and work efficiency.
In this study, use the service-oriented architecture that has been widely used to do a internal WEB platform to connect the heterogeneous systems, on top of the platform use object-oriented technology to build the core operation of the object, and then classified process needs of different sites. It can be re-established architecture and independent process without any downtime requirement. Its effectiveness in addition to directly improve product quality, shorten the time to solve the problem, reduce costs, also indirectly reduce the problem of FAB management and advocacy electronic benefits. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 製造執行系統 ★ 服務導向架構 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ MES ★ SOA |
論文目次 |
第一章 前言......................1
1.1 研究背景..................1
1.2 研究動機..................2
1.3 研究目的..................2
1.4 論文架構..................3
第二章 相關技術與文獻.............4
2.1 砷化鎵半導體...............4
2.2 MES製造執行系統............6
2.2.1 MES的定義.................6
2.2.2 MES的功能.................7
2.3 資訊整合..................7
2.4 服務導向架構...............8
2.5 系統整合技術...............8
第三章 個案系統分析與架構設計.....10
3.1 砷化鎵半導體生產流程.......10
3.2 現有流程分析..............11
3.3 流程改善措施..............13
3.4 系統架構.................17
3.5 系統模組.................20
第四章 系統開發與導入............36
4.1 開發環境與工具............36
4.1.1 開發工具.................36
4.1.2 開發環境.................36
4.2 系統建置.................38
4.2.1 系統需求 ................38
4.2.2 各系統建置...............39
4.2.3 壓力測試................ 40
4.3 系統導入.................42
4.4 系統效益.................44
第五章 結論與建議...............48
5.1 研究結論.................48
5.2 系統導入成功因素..........49
5.3 研究建議.................50
參考文獻.........................52 |
參考文獻 |
1. MESA International (1997) , "MES Function & MRP to MES Data Flow Possibility," White Paper.
2. MESA International (1997) , "MES Explained: A High Level Vision," White Paper.
3. Erl, Thomas (2005) : Service-oriented architecture: concepts, technology, and design. Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
4. 黃茹鈺 (2009) , 「MES系統運用於收集生產工時之改善」,碩士論文,逢甲大學經營管理碩士在職專班。
5. 晉泰科技 (2008) ,企業製造資訊整合創新服務 - MES 的效益。
6. 張世鵬 (2008) , 「服務導向架構為基礎的企業流程管理之探討-以瀚宇博德股份有限公司為例」,碩士論文,國立中央大學資訊管理學系碩士在職專班。
7. 莊弘祥與沈中庸 (2007), 「新商業語言SOA與Web 2.0」 ,維科圖書。
8. 賴松助 (2007) , 「設計與實作以Web Service為基礎之NFC手機小額付款機制」 ,碩士論文,國立中央大學資訊工程研究所。
9. 林道燊 (2010/12), 砷化鎵半導體產業之發展,台灣工業銀行。
10. 穩懋半導體顧份有限公司 (2010/6),公開說明書。
11. W3C, Web Services Architecture, Retrieved 04/10, 2013 from http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-ws-arch-20021114/
12. WIN foundry, Retrieved 05/15, 2013 from http://www.winfoundry.com
13. MoneyDJ砷化鎵, , Retrieved 05/15, 2013 from http://www.moneydj.com/KMDJ/Wiki/wikiViewer.aspx?keyid=41aa9281-7095-4c1b-b7f0-a5738868ecbe |
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審核日期 |
2013-6-17 |
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