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姓名 安尼薩(Nizar Amir)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 Analysis of Intermediate Temperature Proton-Conducting SOFC Hybrid System Fueled by Biofuels
(Analysis of Intermediate Temperature Proton-Conducting SOFC Hybrid System Fueled by Biofuels)
★ 熱塑性聚胺酯複合材料製備燃料電池 雙極板之研究★ 以穿刺實驗探討鋰電池安全性之研究
★ 金屬多孔材應用於質子交換膜燃料電池內流道的研究★ 不同表面處理之金屬發泡材於質子交換膜燃料電池內的研究
★ PEMFC電極及觸媒層之電熱流傳輸現象探討★ 熱輻射對多孔性介質爐中氫、甲烷燃燒之影響
★ 高溫衝擊流熱傳特性之研究★ 輻射傳遞對磁流體自然對流影響之研究
★ 小型燃料電池流道設計與性能分析★ 雙重溫度與濃度梯度下多孔性介質中磁流體之雙擴散對流現象
★ 氣體擴散層與微孔層對於燃料電池之影響與分析★ 應用於PEMFC陰極氧還原反應之Pt-Cu雙元觸媒製備及特性分析
★ 加熱對肌肉組織之近紅外光光學特性影響之研究★ 超音速高溫衝擊流之暫態分析
★ 質子交換膜燃料電池陰極端之兩相流模擬與研究★ 矽相關半導體材料光學模式之實驗量測儀器發展
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摘要(中) The high operating temperature enables solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system to obtain high efficiencies from integration with gas turbines for large scale stationary applications. High temperature solid oxide fuel cell means that the components of the stack need to be made of expensive materials. For smaller scale applications, there is a trend to move to lower temperatures of operation into the so-called intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell. Biofuel such as methanol, ethanol and isooctane can be considered to be a favorable biofuel because they are the most environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources. These fuels are easy to be used for solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system and safe in storage and handling.
In this thesis, the hybrid system consists of a proton solid oxide fuel cell (pSOFC) stack, a micro gas turbine, a combustor, compressors, heat exchangers and external steam reformer. The effect of operating parameters such as compressor pressure, fuel utilization, steam-to-carbon ratio (S/C) and bypass ratio are investigated for each fuels. Then, several case studies conducted in this system model are presented. Finally, the performances of the system using different fuels are compared in terms of pSOFC power output, turbine power output, H2 production, pSOFC efficiency, power system efficiency and combine heat and power (CHP) efficiency.
The simulation is based on the thermodynamic analysis and developed using Matlab Version 7.6 / Simulink Version 7.1 / Thermolib and validated using the published data in the literature. The results from the thermodynamic model showed that the increasing of the compressor pressure can result in the decrease in the pSOFC efficiency but power system and CHP efficiency are enhanced. The increasing of the fuel utilization can result in the increasing of the pSOFC efficiency. However, power system efficiency decreases for methanol fuel but increases for ethanol and isooctane fuels. CHP efficiency increases when fueled by ethanol and isooctane but reduces when fueled by methanol. The variation of the S/C has an impact on the hybrid system. A minimum S/C for each fuel is required to prevent carbon formation but increase S/C will decrease the power system and CHP efficiency. Practically in hybrid system, the value of S/C is usually below the optimum value. From the effect of bypass ratio, it was found that the minimum bypass ratio is 0.05, 0.15 and 0.2 for methanol, ethanol and isooctane. Below those values, steam reformer has insufficient heat to reform the fuel to hydrogen. From the comparison between fuels, it was found that methanol is more attractive than ethanol and isooctane. Finally, due to the new design system configuration of solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system, it is possible to use higher molecular weights fuel such as ethanol and isooctane in external steam reforming.
摘要(英) 由於固態氧化物燃料電池(SOFC)有著較高的操作溫度,因此在大型固定式裝置上,可搭配渦輪機組成熱電共生(hybrid)系統以獲得較高的效率。但是高溫型SOFC也同時意味著需要使用能耐高溫的昂貴材料,所以在小型裝置的應用上,目前的研究趨勢是朝向較低的操作溫度發展,也就是所謂中溫SOFC。
在生質燃料中,甲醇,乙醇和異辛烷,由於其環保性和可再生性,因此被認為是較佳的生質燃料。同時,這些生質燃料適合利於SOFC hybrid系統上,而且也能安全地儲存和處理。
在這篇論文中,SOFC hybrid系統是由質子傳導型固態氧化物燃料(pSOFC)電池堆、微型燃氣渦輪機、燃燒器、空氣壓縮機、熱交換器,以及外部蒸汽重組器等所組成,並針對各個燃料的壓縮機壓力,燃料利用率,水碳比(S/C)和分流比率等操作參數的影響進行分析研究。最後,在不同燃料系統的性能上,比較了pSOFC電池堆的功率輸出、渦輪機的功率輸出、氫氣產量、pSOFC電池堆效率、系統電效率和熱電效率(CHP)。
本研究是從熱力學分析的角度,使用Matlab 7.6版 / Simulink7.1版 / EUtech Thermolib版進行模擬,並以文獻中已知的數據進行驗證。從熱力學模型的結果可知,增加壓縮機的壓力會導致pSOFC電池堆的效率減少,但系統電效率和熱電效率皆增加。燃料利用率的增加,會導致pSOFC電池堆效率增加。然而,使用甲醇燃料系統電效率和熱電效率皆降低,但使用乙醇和異辛烷為燃料時,系統電效率和熱電效率皆增加。在SOFC hybrid系統中水碳比的變化有顯著的影響。為了預防積碳的產生,每種燃料皆有其理想之最低水碳比,但在系統模擬上,增加水碳比將會降低系統電效率和熱電效率。事實上,在SOFC hybrid系統中,水碳比的最佳值通常低於理論最佳值。從分流比率的影響可發現,甲醇,乙醇和異辛烷最低分流比率分別是0.05、0.15和0.2,低於此值,蒸汽重組器將沒有足夠的熱量來進行重組。從燃料之間的比較可發現,甲醇比乙醇和異辛烷更具吸引力。最後,藉由本研究所設計之SOFC hybrid系統,對於較高分子量的燃料,例如乙醇和異辛烷,亦可適用於外部蒸汽重組器。
關鍵字(中) ★ 質子傳導型固態氧化物燃料電池堆
★ 渦輪機組成熱電共生
★ 在生質燃料中
關鍵字(英) ★ Proton SOFC
★ Hybrid System
★ Biofuels
1.1 Backgrounds 1
1.2 Literature review 3
1.3 Motivation 10
2.1 Model 11
2.1.1 Proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells 11
2.1.2 Micro gas turbine 15
2.1.3 Compressor 15
2.1.4 Heat exchanger 16
2.1.5 Combustor 17
2.1.6 Mixer 17
2.1.7 Reformer 18
2.2 Methodology 19
2.2.1 System design 19
2.2.2 Procedure 22
2.2.3 Validation 23
3.1 Effect of operating parameter 25
3.1.1 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell compressor pressure 25 Methanol 25 Ethanol 30 Isooctane 35
3.1.2 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell fuel utilization 41 Methanol 41 Ethanol 46 Isooctane 50
3.1.3 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell steam-to-carbon ratio 55 Methanol 55 Ethanol 61 Isooctane 67
3.1.4 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell bypass ratio 72 Methanol 72 Ethanol 77 Isooctane 83
3.2 Comparison between cases 88
3.2.1 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell compressor pressure 88
3.2.2 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell fuel utilization 93
3.3 Comparison between fuels 97
3.3.1 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell compressor pressure 97
3.3.2 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell fuel utilization 102
3.3.3 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell steam-to-carbon ratio 107
3.3.4 Effect of solid oxide fuel cell bypass ratio 112
4.1 Conclusions 117
4.2 Suggestions 118
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指導教授 曾重仁
(Chung Jen Tseng、ING Wardana)
審核日期 2013-6-18
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